
3. How 'congestion pricing' works elsewhere

Tolling and other measures are in use as congestion-reducers in London, Singapore, Rome, and many other places. There are a lot of ideas out there for Puget Sound planners to consider.

3. How 'congestion pricing' works elsewhere


Dean Paton

Tolling and other measures are in use as congestion-reducers in London, Singapore, Rome, and many other places. There are a lot of ideas out there for Puget Sound planners to consider.

Copyright © 2007 by Crosscut    Editor's note: This is the third in a series of articles that comprise a Crosscut special report, No Exit: Pay Toll Ahead. Comments are disabled on this article. You can comment on the whole series here.    Congestion pricing, in various stages and configurations, already exists in London, Singapore, Houston, Minneapolis, Denver, Orange County, Calif., San Diego, Rome, and several other Italian cities. New York, Tokyo, Hong Kong, and San Francisco are studying customized pricing strategies. From January through July of 2006, a version was tested in Stockholm, and, last September, some 52 percent of that city's residents voted to install congestion pricing permanently.     London opted for a version of congestion pricing in 2003: The city demarcated a pricing ring around the central city. Some 350 new buses were added to London's already splendid public transport system. Initially, drivers paid 5 pounds to enter the city between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. Today, it's £8 (about $15) and, after requests from theaters and restaurants, the hours are 7 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Hybrid vehicles receive a 100 percent discount.    Because of these measures, private vehicle trips are down about 33 percent during charging hours. In the first years, bicycle ridership increased 23 percent to 24 percent. Now, says Booz Allen Hamilton  transportation consultant Jack Opiola, "there are supposedly 43 percent more bike trips into London than before the pricing," and taxis, which just a few years ago skirted the city proper to avoid congestion, now zip routinely across downtown.    Of that 33 percent drop in vehicle trips in London, Opiola says, about one third of motorists came into the city early, before the charges went into effect, and left afterward. Another third changed to public transport, inspiring a 14 percent increase in bus ridership. And the final third of the trips "disappeared," he says. Those drivers decided the trips were not necessary, or began organizing smarter commutes, combining several errands into one trip instead of driving into town on a whim whenever.    Opiola is one of the principal authors of a report (1.1 MB PDF) for King County Executive Ron Sims that recommends congestion pricing be used for all major freeways in metropolitan Puget Sound. "I think that's what happens in a city when you put congestion pricing in," Opiola says. "The city is healthier. People think more about how they travel and when. They make smarter and better choices. They work at home or flex time more. And when you add all that up, you have a healthier transport system in a city, without having to put billions and billions of dollars into the system. In fact, you reach the nirvana of transport systems - a 'sustained transport system' where all modes are in balance."    Because traffic problems here plague a region and not just a city, the plan Opiola designed for King County Executive Ron Sims is less an area-based system as London employed and more like Stockholm's approach. The choice, Opiola says, was dictated by the region's unique geography, with Lake Washington and Puget Sound mandating a north-south axis, and with floating bridges and ferries essentially creating east-west bottlenecks.    For congestion pricing to succeed, it must be customized to not only geography but history and driver temperament. One-size-fits-all simply doesn't work. Since the 1960s, when these ideas first were touted, cities have used a variety of techniques to control traffic. Here are some examples:

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