
A legislator gets sent to the principal's office

An advocate for recruiting some principals from outside classrooms gets his idea slapped down hard in Olympia.

A legislator gets sent to the principal's office


Reuven Carlyle

An advocate for recruiting some principals from outside classrooms gets his idea slapped down hard in Olympia.

One of my passions in K-12 education policy is advocating for the  core notion that highly trained principals, with control over their  school budgets and a real say in teacher evaluations and placement, makes  sense. Strong leaders matter.

Last year, through the support of the entire Seattle legislative  delegation, I was able to include a provision in the painfully  ineffective "Race to the Top" legislation that ultimately eliminated  tenure for new Seattle principals. This year I introduced a bill to create an alternative certification route for principals with strong  backgrounds in community service, business, and many other categories  outside of the traditional education route.

As the regular legislative session concludes, it’s worth noting  openly that efforts this year to pass the alternative-certification bill  were a total, complete, and fantastic failure.

After a very heavy lift from Rep. Marcie Maxwell, the bill passed the  House, slightly weakened during the committee process but with  the core policy idea standing firm.  In the Senate, the bill was  eviscerated with such tremendous force that it actually managed to go in  the very opposite direction than originally intended.  It was so weak  that the message wasn’t lost on anyone.  I put the bill out of its misery.

I have to admire the ferocious political force of the education  industrial complex that made it clear that passage of this bill was not an option. A united front of the Association of Washington School Principals,  Washington State Professional Educator Standards Board, Washington State  School Directors Association, Washington Association of School  Administrators, Washington Education Association, and others were  actually good natured in their powerful slap down of the bill.

I am not, of course, personally or professionally unappreciative of  their view that opening the door to those from outside of education is  an unacceptable intrusion upon the grip of the institutional  infrastructure of education.  I happen to believe that the light of new  ideas, new energy, new approaches, and new methodologies is a positive  and not a negative. But during these tough budget times I do actually  understand their argument.

Upon reflection, the part of the journey that genuinely disappointed  me about this political defeat was that last year during the interim I  actively and aggressively reached out to the stakeholders and asked them  to work with me to craft legislation for the 2011 session to strengthen  the role of principals.  They politely declined the invitation.  And  then when the session began and I introduced the legislation, they  kicked into high gear to kill it without reservation.

I certainly did discover what the opponents found objectionable about  the bill’s core idea.  They were very clear about that.  Unfortunately,  I just never was able to discover what they actually support in  striving to improve the role and value of principals.  They never got around to answering that question.

The bill’s life was a glorious, unmitigated, unrestrained failure.  But at least we  were willing to risk failure to discuss the role, value, and impact of  principals on teaching and learning. I do want to thank the Excellent Schools Now Coalition, League of  Education Voters, Stand for Children, Partnership for Learning, Seattle  Public School District, and many other supporters of the proposed  legislation who were willing to ask difficult and uncomfortable  questions about what it takes to carry one of the most important  education titles:  Principal.

Editor's note: This story is an edited version of an article in Rep. Carlyle's blog.

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