Downtown living breeds churches
In a major reversal, congregations are thriving in city centers. And it's not just Mars Hill.
Anthony B. Robinson was the Senior Minister of Plymouth Church in downtown Seattle from 1990 to 2004. He was also a member of the Plymouth Housing Group Board. After living for many years in southeast
In a major reversal, congregations are thriving in city centers. And it's not just Mars Hill.
Our writer, talking with the Seattle mayoral candidate, comes away impressed by his small-C catholicity and Northwest values.
"The Great Nearby" keeps a lens focused on the ways we sustain civil society, says a regular contributor to Crosscut Public Media.
The infamous "Seattle process" has developed out of, and caused, a big gap in trust here. In the case of the viaduct, voters seemed to scream out their dissatisfaction with the slow, painful cycle of distrust and debate.
It’s not exactly a bull market for older white males, which many people would say is just fine. Some,