Rail transit: the slow lane to urban density
Focusing development around rail stations makes good planning sense, but it's proving maddeningly hard to do. There are better routes by using bus stops.
David Brewster founded Crosscut. He is now the director of Folio: The Seattle Athenaeum.
Focusing development around rail stations makes good planning sense, but it's proving maddeningly hard to do. There are better routes by using bus stops.
Bill Ruckelshaus, well known in these parts for his leadership in efforts to save salmon and Puget Sound, is having his 15 minutes of national fame. The lifelong Republican has endorsed Barack Obama, with the timing meant to be helpful to Obama's primary efforts in Indiana, where Ruckelshaus is a st
Speight Jenkins sets 2013 for his retirement date and vows to help with a textbook transition at the Seattle Opera. At the symphony, indecision about whether it's time for a new conductor seems to have been resolved in favor of keeping the long-running Gerard Schwarz act.