Trans-poor-tation: Olympia's $8.4 billion fail
When myth, not data, drives policy, dumb things can happen.
Doug MacDonald is a pedestrian activist who lives in Seattle’s Greenwood neighborhood. He served as the Secretary of Transportation for Washington state from 2001 until his retirement in 2007.
When myth, not data, drives policy, dumb things can happen.
If state lawmakers want us to weigh in on a proposal (and taxes) to fund new transportation projects, they better make sure the plan includes fixing our crumbling roads and bridges.
Enough of unproductive rhetoric. Here's what we really need to do to fix the Washington state transportation quagmire.
I-1185 is a familiar attempt to require legislative supermajorities on tax votes. But the economic environment has changed, school funding needs are acute, and a recent court ruling declared supermajorities violate our state constitution.