How the 'Seattle Times' misread the state budget
The Times has criticized the legislature for its negligence in cutting budgets for higher education. Here's what they're missing about the state budget process.
Dick Nelson is a former Washington State legislator. He currently contributes to the public debate on state and local fiscal issues through research and commentary. As when he was in the legislature,
The Times has criticized the legislature for its negligence in cutting budgets for higher education. Here's what they're missing about the state budget process.
Gov. Gregoire has proposed a half cent sales tax increase to plug the growing gap between Washington's spending and revenue. Here's why we need a longer-term tax solution.
While Occupy protesters were in Olympia, the quiet testimony of a disabled woman named Kate put a human face on the drastic cuts the legislature and the governor are contemplating.
Bookkeeping gimmicks, calendar juggling, and one-time windfalls won't patch up the state budget for long. But at least the special session laid some groundwork for serious work next time.
Will Republicans act on state needs or be hobbled by anti-tax pledges? Former GOP governors could make a difference on the side of responsible action.