Morning Fizz: Bailing on his commitment
Caffeinated news & gossip featuring Eyman, McKenna, and Northgate.
Erica C. Barnett is the publisher and editor of The C Is for Crank, a website focused on Seattle politics and policy, and a freelance journalist writing about homelessness, transportation, ho
Caffeinated news & gossip featuring Eyman, McKenna, and Northgate.
Caffeinated news & gossip featuring: environmentalists oppose the Northgate garage proposal; architects support McGinn parking proposal; 46th District Democrats support Pollet and Siegfriedt; and anti-choice candidate supports lefties.
Daily caffeinated news & Gossip featuring: Hansen's arena study; the 36th District Democrats' non-endorsements; NARAL and Planned Parenthood's endorsements; Sound Transit's reaction; and a Republican comes out.
Caffeinated news & gossip featuring: Bill and Melinda Gates and charter schools; Cory Booker and the Washington State Democrats; Laura Ruderman; and Greg Nickels.