Jet noise jeopardy: Seattle’s skies will soon get quieter — except on Beacon Hill
Southeast Seattleites rebel after years of noise dumping and disdain. A lesson from Magnolia: Call your congressman and senators.
Eric Scigliano's reporting on social and environmental issues for The Weekly (later Seattle Weekly) won Livingston, Kennedy, American Association for the Advancement of Scie
Southeast Seattleites rebel after years of noise dumping and disdain. A lesson from Magnolia: Call your congressman and senators.
Where the mayor announced his re-election bid today says it all -- about issues and accomplishments to emphasize, and those he hopes some people will ignore.
Even at a high-tech, megaton glass-sorting plant in Seattle, workers must dig in by hand to clean up what we leave on the curbside.
Tree-hugging and property rights converge, as a settlement is offered in vain and a legal showdown looms over Clyde Hill's constitutionally questionable view-protection law. How many more trees will fall if this one does?
Child activist, outsider architect and now the man who finally wants to be mayor: Forgotten tales and revealing moments in the offbeat career of a uniquely Seattle politician.