A local comic brew debuts online. Just don't call it 'Seattleandia'.
'Local Brew' delivers real laughs and captures real Seattle moments. Best of all, it revives the shambolic, do-it-yourself spirit that made Seattle fun.
Eric Scigliano's reporting on social and environmental issues for The Weekly (later Seattle Weekly) won Livingston, Kennedy, American Association for the Advancement of Scie
'Local Brew' delivers real laughs and captures real Seattle moments. Best of all, it revives the shambolic, do-it-yourself spirit that made Seattle fun.
Once Seattle had its own self-mocking comedy sketch show, but now it's too grown-up to be funny. Luckily, Portland's not.
Northeast Seattleites are cooking up momentum for a simple, cost-efficient technology that stops deforestation, greenhouse emissions, and lethal cookfire smoke. Why doesn't it get more respect elsewhere?
Once again, Seattle Police seem to be targeting jaywalkers and ignoring crosswalk-charging drivers, while collision numbers climb.