To whale watch, we all must make sacrifices
Scan the card rack on any Washington state ferry and you’ll find whale watch operators’ brochures featuring breaching orcas
Fred Felleman was elected to the Port of Seattle Commission in 2015 and represents Friends of the Earth as its NW Consultant. He completed his MSc in Fisheries Biology on the Feeding Ecology of Southe
Scan the card rack on any Washington state ferry and you’ll find whale watch operators’ brochures featuring breaching orcas
An environmentalist explains why better federal regulations are needed to police polluters among the world's fleet of cruise ships: State and local authorities can only do so much. Over six months this year, Puget Sound will see 211 big ships bearing 835,000 passengers call on Seattle.
There is a dichotomy that defines the Salish Sea, the network of waterways that includes Puget Sound, the San Juan
Some hailed President Barack Obama’s recent veto of the Keystone pipeline authorization legislation as an early Earth Day gift,
Guest Opinion: BP's careful control of image hides a record that should be alarming.