Remembering George McGovern: A true patriot
George McGovern's willingness to publicly admit his mistakes put him a notch above the average politician.
John Carlson is a contributing columnist covering politics in Seattle and Washington state. He hosts a morning drive show on AM 570 KVI and is a co-founder of the Washington Policy C
George McGovern's willingness to publicly admit his mistakes put him a notch above the average politician.
Romney has done the kind of balancing presidents always seek in a vice president. Plus, he has ignited a real conversation about the country's future.
Veteran politician Jim McDermott repeatedly said that he was happy with Obama's endorsement of gay marriage, but suggested it would be good to "move on" to other issues. McDermott has been around long enough to read an electoral map.
Democrats say that changing marriage laws is a national issue, but they avoid putting their president on the spot. So, he gets easy treatment while Rob McKenna is blasted by the very same people for taking the same position.
Gingrich won in South Carolina by landing blows against CNN's John King, not Mitt Romney. But a renewed GOP race does Romney a favor, because he has to respond to the kind of attacks Democrats would use later.