'Race to Nowhere' is racing through schools
The film, which looks at the pressures on students, is proving popular with parents.
Judy Lightfoot writes about how the region's people confront a variety of challenges. She often draws on her weekly one-on-one coffees with individuals sharing our public spaces who are socially isola
The film, which looks at the pressures on students, is proving popular with parents.
Dr. Andres Alonso, Baltimore City Schools CEO, has put one of the nation's worst districts on the road to success. For starters, he had to confront entrenched punitive attitudes toward kids.
Perillo brings a biologist's trained attention to the natural world, pop culture, high art, and the body's betrayals. She reads Thursday (Jan. 20) at Seattle Arts and Lectures.
With coaching from Seattle Rep, students developed and rehearsed an original play about themselves, to be staged Thursday evening (Jan. 20).
Why are we trying so hard to be good? Dederer's memoir is a jaunty, captivating journey toward liberation. She reads at the Elliott Bay Book Co. on Monday, Jan. 17.