How punishing people for 'doxxing' could prove tricky for WA lawmakers
Lawmakers want to address the malicious posting of people's personal information, but First Amendment concerns complicate matters.
Melissa Santos is formerly a Crosscut staff reporter who covered state politics and the Legislature. She came to Crosscut from The Seattle Times editorial board, where she wrote columns and opinion pi
Lawmakers want to address the malicious posting of people's personal information, but First Amendment concerns complicate matters.
In attempting to deal with the housing shortage, the plan would specify types of multifamily housing cities must allow.
If the Legislature doesn't intervene, nonprofits and churches won't be able to host weekly farmers markets anymore without losing their tax-exempt status.
Secretary of State Steve Hobbs outlined his plans to crack down on social media conspiracy theories, as well as what he thinks about the governor’s proposal to criminalize politicians who lie about election fraud.
In response to our reporting, some prosecutors flagged more cops as having credibility issues. Others fixed gaps in their systems.