Jay Inslee is running for president. Does he have a shot?
Experts say the Washington governor's chances appear slim right now, but a lot can happen before the 2020 election.
Melissa Santos is formerly a Crosscut staff reporter who covered state politics and the Legislature. She came to Crosscut from The Seattle Times editorial board, where she wrote columns and opinion pi
Experts say the Washington governor's chances appear slim right now, but a lot can happen before the 2020 election.
State lawmakers looked to Europe and California for a data-privacy model. But privacy advocates say Washington's bill is too soft by comparison.
A former Northwest News Network correspondent says a disparity in salaries drove her to quit. Management says it's an issue of geography, not gender.
To reach customers, makers of Washington spirits say they need more tasting rooms and fewer serving limits.
Some party members worry that using caucus meetings to help choose a presidential nominee excludes too many people.