Harris Meyer
Latest work
Insurance spat leads to less Rx coverage for some
The health reform act will require coverage of all drugs beginning in 2014, but Washington's insurance commissioner and the state's largest insurance companies are facing off over a move to eliminate drug coverage entirely under one plan.
How the state might spare public, businesses the initiative confusion
After businesses have spent already millions, Washington's high court is about to review the voter-approved measure disbanding Washington's liquor store system. Some states have courts review measures before a public vote. Does California have a better idea?
Will Swedish limit choices for women and the dying under Providence deal?
Planned Parenthood, NARAL, and Compassion and Choices are worried that Catholic policies will end up prohibiting some reproductive and end-of-life services for patients when secular Swedish Health Services affiliates with religious Providence.
Yakima adds to its wine-based tourism attractions
A charity event, the first at a new lodge, offers a chance to see some of what makes the region attractive to folks from Western Washington.