Glenn Nelson
Glenn Nelson writes about race and equity in the Pacific Northwest. His media project, The Trail Posse, documents inclusion in the outdoors.  
Latest work
I've outgrown the hydros and Blue Angels — and so has Seattle
Once quaint, Seafair has become noisy, wasteful and inequitable. In this era of change, it's time for it to fly away.
Trump's racist tweets and the tired injunction to 'go back where you came from'
If someone — say, Donald J. Trump — suggested that I go back to where I came from, it would be complicated
A model city for a majority nonwhite future is in our own backyard
During his 12 years as mayor of Renton, Denis Law helped build a politically inclusive city.
Seattle's NAACP is first in nation to appoint an LGBTQ chair
The historic advent of a gay Black man in a leadership position at the National Association for the Advancement of