
Big performance today at Benaroya Hall

No, wait, I was looking at the wrong day on the calendar. Let's see — oh, today is the annual shareholders meeting for Washington Mutual []. And at $10 per share, everyone can afford to attend! If you can't be there in person to weigh in, you can list

Big performance today at Benaroya Hall


Chuck Taylor


No, wait, I was looking at the wrong day on the calendar. Let's see — oh, today is the annual shareholders meeting for Washington Mutual. And at $10 per share, everyone can afford to attend!

If you can't be there in person to weigh in, you can listen in at 1 p.m. Or express yourself in this poll. The question is: Which company is worse: Washington Mutual or US Airways?

No, wait, I was looking at the wrong day on the calendar. Let's see — oh, today is the annual shareholders meeting for Washington Mutual. And at $10 per share, everyone can afford to attend!

If you can't be there in person to weigh in, you can listen in at 1 p.m. Or express yourself in this poll. The question is: Which company is worse: Washington Mutual or US Airways? In assessing the companies, The Consumerist says this of WaMu:

Washington Mutual, but one cockroach feeding off the sub-prime mound of bat guano, recently rejiggered its executive bonus pay so no execs would feel any pain from the imploding mortgage market they profited off of and helped create.  Two years after acquiring Providian, they still haven't integrated the two systems, sometimes resulting in customers getting completely stranded overseas after having their wallet stolen.

If you want to get up to speed on this in a, like, serious way, check out this excellent curtain-raiser in The Seattle Times.