
Chernobyl's lengthy recovery has a sobering message for Japan

The 25th anniversary of the Chernobyl explosion will occur later this month. The legacy involves crumbling communities, relentless expense, and years to go with recovery and monitoring (decades and centuries in some cases).

Chernobyl's lengthy recovery has a sobering message for Japan


Bob Royer

The 25th anniversary of the Chernobyl explosion will occur later this month. The legacy involves crumbling communities, relentless expense, and years to go with recovery and monitoring (decades and centuries in some cases).

The images of the nuclear power plants in Japan keep taking me back to Chernobyl.

This month is the 25th anniversary of the explosion and fire at Chernobyl early in the  morning of April 26, 1986.  As the problems in Japan get worse, I wonder  what will happen when CNN and the world go away, the Tokyo Electric  Power Company is nationalized, and we turn this over to the engineers and  technocrats in Japan and in the world nuclear community.

The  only real example we have is Chernobyl and a review of what has been  done over the past 25 years offers a grim picture of the years  to come in Japan, especially now that the Fukushima troubles have officially been put on the same level of severity as Chernobyl.

As  part of the emergency response at Chernobyl, the then-Soviet government hastily  completed in October of 1986 a steel and concrete structure that  entombed the still hot pile. The pile contained 200 tons of radioactive material  and close to a ton of radio-nuclides, unstable elements that emit  powerful gamma rays for a long time. Many of the radio-nuclides at  Chernobyl are plutonium, among the most dangerous materials that  exist. Part of the Chernobyl plant’s mission was to supply the Soviet  military with plutonium for nuclear weapons.

Around  these materials are a crumbling sarcophagus, a legacy of abandoned  communities, relentless expense, technical failure, amazing politics, and  a numbing inertia. My recent story talked about Chernobyl’s heroism. This story is about the decades-long effort of trying to pick up  Chernobyl and put it away.

According  to the European Bank for Social Development, the administrator of a  fund for stabilizing the Chernobyl site, the government of Ukraine,  where the plant was located, was spending up to 5 percent of its Gross Domestic  Product in the year 2000, 14 years after the accident, on the social,  health, and environmental consequences of the explosion. Next door  neighbor Belarus, down wind, was spending even an even higher percentage  of its wealth on the disaster's consequences.

The Chernobyl-plant operators' town of Pripyat, population 45,000, closed the day  after the accident and people were evacuated. By the middle of May, a  zone 18 miles wide was established from which 116,000 people were relocated. In subsequent years, another 220,000 people were relocated and the  exclusion zone extended from 1,680 square miles to 2,600.

In  January 2008, the Ukraine government announced a decommissioning plan  that includes repopulating some of the contaminated areas. The  government sees the regional economy as driven by agriculture and  forestry. Initial infrastructure requirements will include the  refurbishing of gas, potable water, and power systems. The burning of  local wood will be banned and the eating of some wild foods, like  mushrooms, strongly discouraged.

More  than 21,000 homes would be connected to gas networks in the period through 2015, while another 5,600 contaminated or broken down buildings are  demolished. Over 1,300 kilometres of road and ten new sewage works and 15  pumping stations are planned. The feasibility of agriculture will be  examined in areas where the presence of caesium-137 and strontium-90 is  low, "to acquire new knowledge in the fields of radiobiology and  radioecology in order to clarify the principles of safe life in the  contaminated territories," the report says, somewhat ominously.

The  World Health Organization has estimated that 1,000 people suffered  substantial radiation exposure and 4,000 people will eventually die as a result of cancers, mainly thyroid, caused by fallout, about the  same number of people who die annually in China mining coal. Many  people dispute the WHO estimates. (Dr. Alexey Yablokov, a member of the Russian Academy of Sciences who puts the figure in the hundreds of thousands, spoke at a Seattle event recently sponsored by the World Affairs Council and Hanford Challenge.)

In  the mid-1990s, the international community began to pressure Ukraine to  shut the three remaining units in the complex because of design flaws  with the plants and concerns about the stability of the sarcophagus  surrounding Unit Four. But closing the plants was a tough sell as they  created half the electricity for the country. After the fall of the  Soviet Union, a series of disputes with Russia over natural gas made it  difficult to pursue natural gas plants as replacement power. In response, Ukraine built three new pressurized-water reactors after its independence.

Meantime, the type of reactor that failed at Chernobyl, the RBMK (reaktor bolshoy moshchnosty kanalny)  or high-power channel reactor, went through numerous upgrades of  its safety technologies though the design still lacks a containment  vessel, the part of the plant that saved the day at Three Mile Island. Today, 11 RBMK reactors are operating, all within the former Soviet  Union. If current schedules are kept, the last four will be  decommissioned in the 2020-2025 time frame.

As  part of the negotiation, the international community committed to the  decommissioning of the remaining reactors. That means stabilizing and  storing the fuel rods of the now closed reactors, which have been  sitting in their spent fuel pools for the better part of 15 years. The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, working with money  donated by several counties will supervise the decommissioning.

The  rods are currently in water and other “wet” storage facilities, but  will now be stored in dry cement casks, a technique called dry cask storage. The fuel rod assemblies will be dried and disassembled before  being put in the closed casks. Sixteen donors are supporting this activity.

The contract to actually accomplish this task was signed last month. That’s right. Last  month.

It  was supposed to be done much earlier, but a contract let in 1999 to  process the 25,000 fuel assemblies in the Chernobyl complex was  cancelled in 2007 because technical difficulties emerged. Nearly all of  the structures for this task were complete at the time of  cancellation. The new contract calls for an interim spent fuel facility  to be completed in 2014 with permanent facilities coming later.

If  all goes well, the threat of Chernobyl to the world will be nearly over  by 2015, though several activities will go on for the next 100 to 300  years. The vehicle for this accomplishment is called, in Europeonese, the New Self Confinement, which permanently seals the remains of  the complex with a moveable dome, somewhat like the Safeco Field roof. It also covers a new Spent Fuel Storage Facility, the site where the spent  fuel rods will be safely quarantined and where the structures will be  disassembled and/or processed.

The dome will  prevent water from intruding and dust, contaminated with cesium, from  dispersing.  It will deconstruct the existing structure which will be  laid down within the site or processed inside it.

The  design contract was signed in 2007 and the driving of the pilings for  the foundations of two 50-ton-capacity cranes started in 2010. Construction will start in 2012 and the facility will operate for 100  years.

Last week, the Europeon Development Bank and its contractor, NOVARKA, a French and Europeon consortium run by the French construction firm VINCI, confirmed the schedule and the construction price of 1.5 billion Euro.

By even the most optimistic assessment, Japan's recovery will be long, expensive, and challenging.

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