Leadership Circle Donor Testimonials
Evelyn and Martin Babare
“The fact that we have public television in our area is extremely important to me,” says Cascade PBS supporter Evelyn Babare. “When I grew up in this area, my little sister would watch Sesame Street and Mister Rogers daily. My mother and I would watch MASTERPIECE Theatre together. Watching KCTS 9 became a family event. This continued on while we raised our children and continues with my husband and myself.”
Evelyn and her husband Martin are generous supporters of PBS. Their family has grown up with Cascade PBS. “Our children also loved the children’s programming on PBS,” says Evelyn. “They loved all the shows … especially Bill Nye the Science Guy. They loved that the focus was on making science fun and interesting.” Martin values Nightly Business Report, This Old House, FRONTLINE and PBS NewsHour. He says that public television inspires him “to travel places, learn about the world we live in and how to protect it.”
Anne Repass
Anne says that public television is her way of staying in touch with the world of human affairs and great storytelling. “I love the great British dramas, the even-handed news commentary and the fine children’s programming,” she says. “I laugh and cry when I watch programs on PBS.” Anne watches programs on Cascade PBS to learn something new and to better understand the human condition: “I watch NOVA to learn more about the scientific world and watch British dramas such as Downton Abbey, Foyle’s War and Doc Martin to understand the human condition.”
Major Gifts Contacts
For questions regarding Cascade PBS' Leadership Circle benefits, and the impact your gift can make, please contact:

Kerry O’Keefe
Vice President of Philanthropy

Ben Derby
Director of Major Gifts

Sharon Barto Gouran
Sr. Major Gift Officer

Gloria Antonio
Donor Stewardship Officer
Contact and Tax Information
Cascade PBS
316 Broadway
Seattle, WA 98122
Tax Information
EIN 91-1221895