
An elegy to the viaduct on the eve of its passing


An elegy to the viaduct on the eve of its passing


Lola E. Peters


"Viaductum Benedictum: a Call and Response"

The procession of unfurled sails on Opening Day
For this we give you thanks

The unceasing march of ferry boats from harbor to bay to sea, and back
For this we give you thanks

Cloud-filled jasper and mango sunsets behind the mighty Olympic Range
For this we give you thanks

Orange, flightless birds pecking containers from ship to shore
For this we give you thanks

The dance of cumulus from the Duwamish to Magnolia
For this we give you thanks

Turtle-backed, stepping-stone islands
For this we give you thanks

The patient gaze of the snowcapped Brothers and their kin
For this we give you thanks

Thunderclouds hung low over the Youngstown steel mill
For this we give you thanks

Rainier framed perfectly within the Clink’s arch
For this we give you thanks

Majestic spray of fireboats
For this we give you thanks

The mark of seasons via GEICO plane and kite surfers
For this we give you thanks

Fireworks at The Safe The T and on the barge
For this we give you thanks

Voyeuristic views into Miller Hull’s walk-the-talk offices
For this we give you thanks

For these things and more, oh mighty Viaductus
We pour gratitude into the timeless sands of history
And vow one day to resurrect your majestic views
For the most common among us to enjoy

So has it been written;
So shall it be done.