
How Sam Reed bent his sword against KIRO-TV

The retiring secretary of state, a model of public candor, found that media don't always like accountability when it is turned toward them.

How Sam Reed bent his sword against KIRO-TV


John Hamer

The retiring secretary of state, a model of public candor, found that media don't always like accountability when it is turned toward them.

Secretary of State Sam Reed, who announced his retirement recently,  is being hailed for standing up for transparency, accessibility and  openness in government — and justifiably so. Reed received the Washington Coalition for Open Government’s coveted James Madison Award last week in recognition of his work. [Full disclosure: I’m a member of WCOG’s advisory committee but had no role  in the Reed award.]

The awards breakfast just happened to fall on International Media Ethics Day, sponsored by the Center for International Media Ethics. That struck me as highly ironic, because Reed brought a complaint to  the Washington News Council three years ago for some of the most  unethical media behavior I have seen in more than 40 years as a  journalist, media critic and president of the News Council.

Don’t take my word for it. Read what happened and make up your own mind.

As part of a national CBS-affiliate series of stories on voter fraud,  KIRO7 ran two stories in the fall of 2008, shortly before Election Day.  The first story, which ran on Oct. 15, 2008, alleged that thousands of  felons had been issued ballots and many had already voted, although  felons are not supposed to have voting rights. KIRO “investigative”  reporter Chris Halsne interviewed a woman who supposedly was a convicted  felon but said she had voted anyway. The second story, which ran on  Nov. 3, 2008, alleged that more than 100 dead voters were still on  Washington’s active voter rolls, with 15 of them actually casting  “ghost” ballots. On her front porch, Halsne interviewed the widow of a  man who supposedly had “voted” although he’d been dead since 1996. You  can watch both stories on our site as well as read their transcripts (Oct. 15 story, Nov. 3 story).

However, both stories contained egregious factual errors, including these:

Reed and his staff had tried to make KIRO aware of these facts before  the stories aired, but to no avail. After the stories aired, Reed’s  office was deluged with angry phone calls and emails from citizens who  had watched KIRO and believed what they saw on TV. Reed protested to  KIRO, but the station “stood by its stories.”

So Reed filed a written complaint (page 1 and page 2) in December 2008 with the Washington News Council. He also signed our  waiver form pledging not to sue KIRO, which we require of all  complainants.

In his complaint, Reed declared that two KIRO stories were “factually  incorrect, incomplete, misleading, sensationalized, inflammatory, and  unfair.” He said the stories “wrongly damaged” his office and “failed to  include balancing facts or information.” In a 10-page attached letter to the WNC and cc’d to KIRO, Reed wrote:

“[W]e were distressed when Chris Halsne, KIRO 7 Eyewitness News  Investigative Reporter, aired two election-related news stories that  fell far short of the most basic standards of journalism for accuracy,  balance and fairness. This occurred despite our repeated efforts to  correct some of his assumptions and methodology and errors before he  aired his reports. To have someone purposely proceed with incorrect and  misleading information after all of this was just unconscionable and had  the negative effect of undermining trust and confidence in our  elections process.”

The News Council accepted Reed’s complaint for our process and  hand-delivered it to KIRO on Dec. 31, 2008. Under our guidelines, we  asked for a written response from KIRO within 10 days. KIRO did not  respond and never returned repeated calls or emails.

However, in early January 2009 KIRO General Manager Eric Lerner  called Reed’s office to schedule a face-to-face meeting. Lerner, News  Director Todd Mokhtari, Reporter Halsne, and  Producer Bill Benson drove to Olympia on Jan. 21, 2009. At that meeting,  Reed and his staff documented the serious inaccuracies in Halsne’s two  stories.

According to Dave Ammons, Reed’s communications director and former  Associated Press political writer and columnist in Olympia, the KIRO  delegation listened, but then declared that they would not run  corrections or clarifications, nor would they remove the stories from  the KIRO website.

Reed and state Elections Director Nick Handy were stunned, according  to Ammons. In an email to KIRO, Reed said: “We continue to believe that,  at the least, KIRO should remove these stories from the KIRO website.  Whether KIRO chooses to take other action is a matter to be determined  by KIRO’s own journalistic standards.”

According to Reed and Ammons, the KIRO managers then offered to remove the stories if Reed would agree not to inform the News Council or the public. To his credit, Reed refused that unethical request. KIRO later  removed the stories from its website without notifying Reed or the News  Council. However, Reed’s office and the WNC had taped the two stories.  We put them on our website, where they remain available for viewing.

The News Council then began preparing to hold a public hearing, to be broadcast statewide by TVW,  at which the WNC board would publicly discuss and vote on the merits of  the complaint. That’s our standard procedure when serious complaints  cannot be resolved, and we’ve held several of them over the years. However, on Feb. 17, Sam Reed asked that the hearing not go forward. He wrote:

After much careful consideration, we at the Secretary of State’s  Office have reluctantly decided not to pursue our complaint against  KIRO-TV to the full hearing stage.

We remain convinced that we presented a compelling argument, both in  our written Washington News Council submission and in direct  conversations with KIRO-TV management and staff, that significant errors  in fact and in tone were made in two special reports by reporter Chris  Halsne….

We asked for clarification, for corrections, and for the incorrect  and overblown stories to be taken down from the KIRO website, and got  zero acknowledgement that anything was amiss or that the journalistic  standards required more than a dismissive brush-off of the state’s chief  elections officer….

After several conversations as part of the News Council negotiating  period, KIRO eventually agreed to pull down their stories from the Web  site if we would muzzle ourselves and not inform the News Council of the  nature of this accommodation. This we cannot agree to, since this  leaves KIRO offering very little and conceding nothing.

At the same time, we weary of this frustrating battle and the  countless man-hours devoted to researching chapter and verse of this  sorry episode, and we see little value in continuing to bang our head  against the wall, knowing that KIRO will boycott the proceedings and  will not acknowledge errors in fact and in tone, much less fix the  problem. A News Council finding in our favor would not change the  dynamic; properly, in a nation that so values the First Amendment, the  council cannot order KIRO to do anything….

We close by expressing our sincere thanks to the Council…for  accepting our complaint and for professionalism in walking with us  through the process, including the most recent negotiating period with  KIRO. It is through no fault of the Council…that we have decided to  suspend our complaint.

The News Council reluctantly accepted Reed’s decision not to proceed  with a hearing. However, the WNC then invited the public to participate  in an unprecedented “Citizens Online News Council” to help judge KIRO’s  journalistic ethics and performance. No news council in the world (and  there are dozens of them, most members of the Alliance of Independent Press Councils of Europe) had ever done that before. We called it a “virtual hearing.”

The KIRO stories, Reed’s complaint and letter, and key questions for  discussion were posted on our website. Members of the public were  invited to view the stories, read the complaint, and “vote” on several  issues regarding the KIRO stories that the full News Council would have  considered had this case gone to a hearing. You can read the full list of the questions and total votes HERE.

The voting deadline was April 30, 2009, during national “Media Ethics Week” sponsored by the Society of Professional Journalists.  (Although inexplicably, the head of the SPJ’s national ethics committee  objected to the virtual hearing. His reasons, and our  response, are here.)

KIRO got hammered. The votes were nearly all highly critical of KIRO and upheld Reed’s complaint (see vote results and comments). Of  all those who voted online, only a few defended KIRO. Most voters added critical comments.

As president and executive director of the Washington News Council, I  still find this case one of the most shocking examples of  unprofessional, irresponsible journalism that I have ever seen.  KIRO  even got criticized by The Stranger and earned a “Dart” in the Columbia Journalism Review. KIRO played fast and loose with the facts, disregarding the truth.  They refused to set the record straight even after being confronted with  incontrovertible evidence that they were wrong. Then they tried to  “bury” the stories by sneaking them off their website without telling  anyone or admitting any errors. Yikes.

A recent national survey by the Pew Center for the People and the Press found public trust in the news media at about its lowest level ever. Stories like KIRO’s are part of the reason for that.

Kudos to Sam Reed for having the courage to stand up to KIRO. More  public officials and individual citizens who are damaged by shoddy news  reporting should do the same. Otherwise, bad journalists will keep  committing media malpractice — which hurts journalism, the public and  democracy.

Editor's Note: We endeavored to get KIRO to comment on this story but so far have not heard back from the station.

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