The next session of the World Economic Forum should be far out, man.
The World Economic Forum 2009 in Davos may be the most important event in the Forum'ês history. Between January 28 and February 1, over 2,500 leaders from the business, political, and cultural communities will discuss the Annual Meeting'ês overall theme: SHAPING THE POST-CRISIS WORLD. More than 40 heads of state will join experts from a wide range of fields. The gathering will focus on managing the current crisis and shaping the entire post-crisis world.
Crosscut has managed to get a list of the featured speakers and topics:
Tune In, Turn On, Drop Out: The EU'ês Response to the Financial Crisis. Angela Merkel, Chancellor, Germany.
Reregulating the Financial Sector: Don'êt Trust Anyone Over 30. Robert Zoellick, President World Bank.
Flower Power: An Economic Paradigm For Our Time. Gordon Brown, Prime Minister, Britain.
Go With the Flow: Post Crisis Economic Planning. Shichi Nakagawa, Minister of Finance, Japan.
Coping with the Crisis: Dope Will Get You Though Times of No Money Better Than Money Will Get You Though Times of No Dope. Nickolas Sarkozy, President of France.
Make Love, Not War: New Themes in the Middle East. Ehud Olmert, Prime Minister, Israel.
Don'êt Let It Bring You Down: The Credit Crisis in Perspective. Jean-Claude Trichet, President of the European Central Bank.
A New Approach to Arms Control: Drop Acid Not Bombs. Admiral Mike Mullen, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, USA.
Tell it like it is: Transparency in Pubic Life. Bill Clinton, former POTUS.
Don'êt Bogart That Joint: Cooperation In Post'êCrisis Society. Mervyn King, Governor of the Bank of England. Chairman of the Monetary Policy Committee.
Give Peace a Chance: Foreign Relations in the Post-Bush Era. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, President, Islamic Republic of Iran.
Far Out & Outtasight: It'ês Your Thing. Do What You Wanna Do. Hu Jintao, General Secretary of the Communist Party of China, President of the People's Republic of China, Chairman of the Central Military Commission.
Why Isn'êt Anybody Rolling? A Call For Personal Responsibility. Hosni Mubarak, President of Egypt.
These presentations will be followed by a Roundtable, entitled What To Do Next? Panelists will include: Kim Jong Il, Beloved and Glorious Leader, North Korea ("Keep on Truckin'"); Vladimir Putin, Prime Minister, Russia ("Question Authority"); Ben Bernanke, Chairman Federal Reserve Board, USA ("Sock it to Me"); King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia ("If It Feels Good, Do It"); Robert Mugabe, President, Zambia ("Power to the People"); Palaniappan Chidambaram, Minister of Finance, India ("Get It On"); and Larry Summers, Chief Economic Adviser to President Obama ("Ban the Bra").