You've no doubt noticed our site has been sluggish or even inaccessible the past few days. It's because we posted a wildly popular article by a woman in Alaska about Gov. Sarah Palin's days as mayor of Wasilla. Her essay, which originally was an e-mail to friends, has been quoted widely on the Web, but Crosscut was one of the few sites to post it in its entirety. Click, click, click.
You've no doubt noticed our site has been sluggish or even inaccessible the past few days. It's because we posted a wildly popular article by a woman in Alaska about Gov. Sarah Palin's days as mayor of Wasilla. Her essay, which originally was an e-mail to friends, has been quoted widely on the Web, but Crosscut was one of the few sites to post it in its entirety. Click, click, click.
Most notably,, the article-sharing site, drove unprecedented traffic to our humble corner of the Internet, and our servers have been struggling ever since.
This is not a problem we can easily solve quickly. But we're working on some mid-term changes that should enable us to ably handle this sort of influx in the future. We're rebuilding Crosscut from the ground up (hint) and will be migrating to a better server configuration, which will also enable us to rapidly improve functionality and design. We'll let you know when we have a beta site up, because we want your feedback through this process.
Meantime, we apologize to our regular readers for the inconvenience.