
It doesn't look like WaMu Field is terribly likely, so ...

Some great alternative names for Safeco Field [] are turning up in the comments on Mike Henderson's recent blog post [/blog/sports/13732/] about the implications of the Seattle-based insurance company being swallowed by Liberty Mutual [/business-

It doesn't look like WaMu Field is terribly likely, so ...


Chuck Taylor


Some great alternative names for Safeco Field are turning up in the comments on Mike Henderson's recent blog post about the implications of the Seattle-based insurance company being swallowed by Liberty Mutual. Among the suggestions: Costco Park, Taxpayer Park, Starbucks Grounds, and a no-brainer: Boeing Field.

Some great alternative names for Safeco Field are turning up in the comments on Mike Henderson's recent blog post about the implications of the Seattle-based insurance company being swallowed by Liberty Mutual. Among the suggestions: Costco Park, Taxpayer Park, Starbucks Grounds, and a no-brainer: Boeing Field.

Then of course, Microsoft might step in and rename it Vista Field. Suddenly the team would no longer be able to play with 85 percent of the existing teams, and once in a while you would have to call tech support to clear the field.

Please weigh in with your own ideas. I'm going to suggest Danger Field.