The discussion features Crosscut contributor Knute Berger, Seattle Times columnist Joni Balter, and Democratic consultant Cathy Allen. C.R. Douglas moderates. There's drinks and prizes. It's free. The fireworks continue until someone concedes.
Here we go.
What's with the Obama-Rossi voter?
Seattle Times columnist Joni Balter:
Dino Rossi has masterfully captured the change message. He decided he was the change candidate. Some of these voters aren't necessarily party loyalists. In 2004, John Kerry won Washington by 7.2 percent. It's not fair to blame governors for the economy, but people do. Also: SurveyUSA says Rossi does well with (young) cellphone users.
Crosscut columnist Knute Berger:
It's as if the last four years didn't happen. Rossi has done this complete morph into Obama.
What about Gregoire's budget?
When Rossi talks about the budget, he's talking about his decision to suspend two citizen initiatives with Gov. Gary Locke. Gregoire came in, and decided to reinstate the measures. They cost a pile of money. It's not fair to say she's 'spending recklessly', because she was doing what the people wanted.
If Darcy can't win this year (I thought she was going to win in 2006.), I don't think she's a good fit for the 8th District.
Will Sound Transit's Proposition 1 pass, even with the bad economy?
Democratic consultant Cathy Allen:
Young voters who want mass transit make it succeed.
I hope it doesn't pass. But I do agree with Cathy. I think it will get through.
I think there's a big 'no' climate out there. I don't know if it's going to hit the Parks levy, Pike Place Market or Sound Transit first, but it will hit someone. They should have put [the proposition] on the ballot after people had taken a ride on it and seen what it was like. But instead they did it this November because there's so many young voters and Democrats out.
If Ron Sims doesn't like light rail, why isn't he out stumping for the opposition?
Sims burnt some bridges last year and I don't think he actually supports it.
Last time it hurt Sims politically to oppose Prop 1 in 2007. Now he's gun-shy.
It's the reason why people will be looking for a replacement for Sims next year. People will think he's out of step with the people.
Will Eyman win?
He puts policies on the ballot designed so they're forced to go to court after it passes. As of the last four days ago, polls show it going down. Why? People finally know have seen Eyman's name next to the initiative.
This initiative is one of the worst initiatives Eyman's ever done. But on the ballot title it looks pretty good. I don't understand how voters keep following this Peter Pan.
What about I-1000?
It has to do with our libertarian nature. 'Don't tell me what to do and I won't tell you what to do.' I think it passes.
What about King County Charter Amendment 8?
I'd like to see a shift at the local level away from partisan shorthand. I'm in favor.
Knowing the rascals in the Republican party who put it together, I'd say no.
Breaking: MSNBC and Fox News are calling Ohio, Pennsylvania for Obama.
I think Gregoire will win by six percentage points. The key counties: Pierce, King, Spokane, and Clark counties. Maybe Snohomish County. She lost many of those last time. If she takes them, open some champagne.
It's too close to call. Pierce may be blue. But the Democrats won't take Spokane County. And I'm not drinking tonight.
Will Nickels and Sims move on up in the world?
All this time I thought Nickels would ride to a third term. But if the polls are right, I think he may need an appointment instead.
Well, the polls always show that voters don't like Nickels but they still vote for him.
What about Hillary Clinton? Will she stay in the Senate?
We may see her in the Supreme Court.
Last question: Will Sarah Palin be the next GOP star?
She could be a fundraiser, but I don't see her being the candidate.
She's one of the best communicators in the country. She proved to the vast right wing that she was able to raise children while staying politically active. And I know this woman is not crawling back to Wasilla. She will be somebody I fear that we will have to figure out how to beat in the next four years.
That's it, folks. I'll be blogging the election results as they come. Stay tuned.