
New 737 battle: Gregoire makes a move

A new study shows opportunities for the state to improve its chances of landing the next generation Boeing 737 MAX but Texas shapes up as a tough competitor.

New 737 battle: Gregoire makes a move


Matt A. Fikse

A new study shows opportunities for the state to improve its chances of landing the next generation Boeing 737 MAX but Texas shapes up as a tough competitor.

Standing before a shop classroom filled with students from Aviation High  School and Renton Technical College, and a phalanx of state and local  politicians and business leaders, Washington Gov. Chris Gregoire  announced a package of measures, including a proposed 10-year extension  of a major business and occupations (B&O) tax incentive, aimed at  enticing Boeing to build the  company's newest single-aisle jetliner, the 737 MAX, here.

The governor's $9.8 million package (not including the value of the tax  incentive) focuses on increasing the strength of the regional aerospace  workforce though new and expanded educational programs. Gregoire says  she will also ask the legislature for a 10-year extension of an  existing aerospace industry tax incentive on pre-production work, which  is now set to expire in 2024. In addition, the proposal would add a  combined 775 more slots for engineering students at WSU and UW and create a  new Governor's Aerospace Office to advise on how to advance the state's  competitiveness in aerospace.

Gregoire's package takes its cues from the Washington Aerospace Partnership's Aerospace Competitiveness Study prepared by consulting firm Accenture and also released today. The  report compares Washington state to eight other states that are likely  in the running for the 737 MAX. The stiffest competition comes from the state of Texas, which is actively recruiting aerospace businesses and is  rumored to be preparing to deploy $50 million in "deal closing" funding  from the Texas Enterprise Fund in its battle to win the work.

In the Executive Summary of the Accenture report, Texas is rated as  having the same advantages as Washington except one: its political  climate. Washington is rated "basic" while Texas is rated "leading," in part for its ability to offer incentives to companies. In  that, Texas beats all others. Read further and another thing jumps out:  According to our area's own study, Texas wins, earning a "Leading"  rating in more categories than any other state.

So for Boeing, the decision calculus may involve comparing Texas-sized  up front incentives against Washington's back-end sweetener of another 10 years of specialized B&O tax exemptions.

More likely, though, is that in a vast multi billion dollar program such  as the 737 MAX, all of these packages may seem like peanuts in  comparison to the largest, most delicate issue likely to be in the air:  the relationship of Boeing and organized labor with each other and how  both are prepared to work together so the company can take advantage of  the legendary skills in the Pacific Northwest and local area workers can  take advantage of having a job.

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Matt A. Fikse

By Matt A. Fikse

Matt Fikse-Verkerk (Twitter: @mattfikse) covered urban affairs, politics, tech, and business at Crosscut from 2009 to 2014. He lives in Seattle and works for a biotechnology firm in Redmond, WA.