
Having problems voting in WA? We’ve got a tipline for that

Crosscut is partnering with ProPublica's Electionland to report on any issues voters encounter when casting ballots this year. You can help.

Having problems voting in WA? We’ve got a tipline for that


Melissa Santos


This year, Crosscut is partnering with ProPublica, a nonprofit investigative newsroom, to look into any problems voters have in casting their ballots. Are you seeing mail delays? Issues with registration? Other issues that hamper Washington's vote-by-mail system? We want to know about it.

We're also interested in any problems that might arise with counting ballots or keeping our elections secure.

Electionland logo from ProPublica, Crosscut's partner in election reporting

We're looking for voters who are willing to share with us how the voting process goes for them. We also want to hear from elections administrators or election workers who spot something that seems amiss.

We will be on the lookout for any problems that prevent people from voting — such as mail ballot delivery problems, registration problems, purged voter rolls and voter intimidation. You can be our eyes and ears.

To let us know how your voting experience goes, here’s how to sign up and get in touch.