
One good Seattle manifesto deserves another

Our esteemed mayor wrote a recent photo essay outlining the high ideals of his city's people. Here's another take.

One good Seattle manifesto deserves another


Clark Humphrey

Our esteemed mayor wrote a recent photo essay outlining the high ideals of his city's people. Here's another take.

Mayor Mike McGinn is one of the civic leaders who've submitted short essays to Dan Bertolet's new, on the topic of celebrating urban life.

McGinn's piece is a photo essay (excerpted below) that reads like a manifesto:

Sarah  Palin and other figures on the right like to talk about “small town  values” as being “the real America.” We know better. These are our  values:

We have  great urban places, where people can live and shop in the same building.  And we protect them. Seattleites create and use urban spaces — their  way. From the bottom up. We take care of each other — and we feed each  other. We’re not scared of new ideas. We think idealism is a virtue. We  play like it matters, because it does. We stand up for each other. We  share our cultures with each other. And the music, the art, the food …  is astounding. We love race and social justice. We expect our youth to  achieve.

President Barack Obama called on America to win the future. Mr. President, the people of Seattle are ready.

Since I believe one good manifesto deserves another, I hereby offer my own:

David Guterson and other figures on Bainbridge Island like to talk about the  countryside as being the only real place to live. We know better. These  are our values:

President Barack Obama has advocated "the fierce urgency of now." Mr.  President, the people of Seattle will get around to it once they've  finished playing "Halo: Reach."

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