
'Outsiders' who teach in Seattle fly under the radar to find success with kids

One teacher learned in the Peace Corps how to sidestep bureaucrats to get things done, and he says educators with the most unconventional career tracks often make the best innovators.

'Outsiders' who teach in Seattle fly under the radar to find success with kids


Craig Parsley

One teacher learned in the Peace Corps how to sidestep bureaucrats to get things done, and he says educators with the most unconventional career tracks often make the best innovators.

Thirty years ago I was a Peace Corps volunteer drilling water wells in Liberia, West Africa. It was  rough, dirty, sweaty work fraught with all the hazards and obstacles  associated with operating dangerous machines in jungle environments. My overseers were generally low-level operatives working for USAID (and  the CIA) or corrupt local politicians looking to maximize their status  (or fill their pockets) through the successes of others.

As a  young idealist, the Peace Corps taught me much about the strategies  necessary to navigate past government bureaucrats to get a job done. My job was saving children’s lives from the multitude of waterborne  diseases prevalent in Africa.

The greatest obstacle to accomplishing  this goal was not the harsh working environment or the lack of supplies — innovation, ingenuity, and hard work overcame most barriers to achieving  positive outcomes — it was my overseers that slowed progress to a  crawl.

Never, in the far reaches of my imagination, could I have  foreseen that one day I would be teaching in a 5th-grade classroom and fighting the same battles with petty bureaucrats that I had fought 30 years before. Yet, here I am. And I am not alone.

Teachers come to the classroom through  one of two pathways. They either begin their careers as teachers  (and remain teachers until their idealism wanes or they retire), or  they enter the career after a professional life in another industry  (or as former homemakers).

For the record, either pathway is adequate for producing a “highly capable teacher.”  This term loosely defines  a teacher’s prowess at improving standardized test scores (the only  current measure of teacher success in Seattle). Remember, a good  teacher raises test scores; that’s the measure of success. The  District calls these teachers “Innovators” in the new labor contract  and rewards them with extra pay. Whether test scores are truly an indicator of innovative teaching is another matter altogether.

Beyond this narrow definition of a  “good teacher” there exists another undefined and unmeasured  realm of teaching practice. I call it the “Outsiders' Perspective.” Individuals who have spent time prior to their teaching careers solving  problems at for-profit (or non-profit) endeavors have usually acquired  some faculty for making things work. Outsiders know what it is  like to have a boss that hinders or helps them in the pursuit of their  objectives. They know how to work around overseers who  limit efficiency due to institutional inertia or incompetence.

Here in Seattle, Outsiders are both revered and loathed by school administrators.   Why? They achieve results outside the strict confines of administrative  dogma.

Outsiders also fly under the radar to avoid detection,  lest they be reprimanded for straying from the adopted curriculum.  They develop all kinds of clever strategies to make it appear that they  are teaching what they are supposed to, but in reality it’s a smokescreen  to protect their students from “cookie-cutter” curriculum.  Though they are never in compliance with District directives, nobody  ever bothers them because their students perform at high academic levels  or demonstrate above standard growth. I am one such teacher.

At my school, Schmitz Park Elementary in West Seattle, we have a waiver to teach a math curriculum that the  rest of the district does not use.  It is called Singapore Math. When I was on the math textbook adoption committee several years ago,  I introduced this curriculum as one of several possible choices. The committee, all of whom were carefully screened to ensure the chosen text would align with Administration objectives, resoundingly  rejected it.  (I got on the committee by flying under the radar.)

The textbook selection process was another sign of the continuing math  wars going on nationwide. At the time, I told an engineer friend  of mine (a parent also on the committee) that within three years the  selected curriculum would be seen as a failure (that is now clear by  the flat math scores across the district).  I also told him that  I would get the Singapore Math program instituted at our school before  the new district curriculum was mandated.

The result could not  have been more decisive. Last year’s MSP exams (Measurements of Student Progress) put our 5th graders in the top position districtwide. I expected someone  to call and congratulate us…chirp, chirp, chirp.  Then I heard  through reputable sources that our success was explained away as strong  teachers in an easy demographic.

OK, I can accept the easy demographic  argument a bit. After all, it is easier to teach a kid whose belly  is full than one who is suffering kwashiorkor. It’s the “strong  teacher” thing that really galls me (and the fact that nobody mentioned  our alternative math curriculum). If my work partner and I are  strong teachers, then why doesn’t the school administration ask us  what we are doing that makes a difference for our students? How  come nobody from Seattle Public Schools has come to observe our classrooms? Why haven’t we been asked to mentor others?

My partner is another  of those Outsiders. She ran a bakery counter for years. She worked early, often, and hard. She is efficient and very smart.  She teaches kickboxing and aerobics.  This woman is the Outsider’s  outsider, but an extraordinary teacher. Nobody called her either.  Perhaps it’s the curriculum. Our success hinges on the implementation  of an internationally recognized math program. Singapore  Math is a permanent fixture in our entire school because we were willing  to fly under the radar until we could prove its success. Now we  have a District-approved waiver, which came at the price of having to  jump over mile-high barriers placed before us by overseers.

Schmitz Park also has seen  success on recent science exams by rejecting the district's  National Science Foundation curriculum and designing a program that  aligns more closely with the state standards. Our case is not  unusual; Outsider teachers all around the district have assisted students  to make extraordinary gains in every academic area by designing their  own materials or using curricula without the approval of the District.  Many of these teachers come from military, industrial, commercial, or  legal professions.

Rarely do you see their names or faces in the  District’s “School Beat” eNewsletter. The reason is twofold:  The district cannot highlight the successes of teachers who tend toward  non-conformity (that would run counter to the centralization efforts of the  current superintendent); and these Outsider teachers want to maintain  their stealthy identities. To be seen in Seattle Public Schools  is to be scrutinized. And who wants to be scrutinized when you  are breaking all the rules?

The recent decision by the Seattle School Board to recruit new college graduates from the Teach  for America (TFA) pool is another example of the “more of the same  will fix it” paradigm that has become the hallmark of Seattle  Public Schools. TFA is the domestic equivalent of the Peace Corps, except  that job descriptions are narrowed to those within the teaching field. Most teachers will tell you that there is little (if any) difference  between a TFA recruit and a newly minted graduate from Western Washington University, save for  the cost of their educations. In fact, the WWU teacher candidate  will possess one year’s training in his or her field to that of the  TFA recruit with only five weeks of preparation.

There is nothing innovative about the  Board’s TFA decision. It may well be exactly the opposite  of what the district should be doing to raise test scores and student  achievement. Rather than hiring fresh TFA graduates from Ivy League  schools, it is my contention that the strongest pool of teacher  candidates should be drawn from those professionals seeking to enter  the teaching profession as a second career.

Eighty percent of  TFA recruits leave the field after two years in a classroom. Recruiting  a 50-year old civil engineer to teach math in an economy short on  engineering jobs is a better investment than hiring a short-term fresh  graduate from Stanford that has an 8-in-10 chance of leaving the profession  in two years. Oh … and to ensure that the engineer stays  around once the economy turns, you had better pay her or him a living  wage.

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