The Right blogosphere is all over the GOP's call to investigate Gov. Christine Gregoire's gambling compact with a Washington state native tribe, here and here – while Eric Earling at Sound Politics also makes an interesting observation about The Seattle Times' investigate Gov. Christine Gregoire's gambling compact with Washington state Indian tribes, here and here – while Eric Earling at Sound Politics also makes an interesting observation about The Seattle Times' lack of coverage on the issue.
But with all the fuss about tribal money, Gregoire's pet project with state education reform and the WASL appears to be going better than people expected. ...
Still, it's not been best day for the Washington Democrats. Along with the Gregoire story, the GOP has dubbed this week as Democratic state senate candidate Fred Walser's "Best Week Ever," after he pled guilty to providing false information to authorities and was slapped with a $20,000 fine. ...
Gay porn model Cody Michael Castagna, on the other hand, is having his best day in a long time, with prosecutors in Spokane dropping all charges against the 27-year-old stemming from a sexual encounter with disgraced Republican and former legislator Richard Curtis. Castagna is "stoked." ...
In Oregon, it's looking bleak for the state's rural residents, according to Jackson County Commissioner Dave Gilmour at BlueOregon. ...
It's also not looking good for gay rights opponents in the Beaver State, as two Oregon gay rights laws will be on the November ballot. ...
Raising money: The News Tribune is reporting that state Attorney General Rob McKenna has raised over a million bucks in his campaign for reelection. ...
Raising signatures: The Tribune also reports on the emotional fight between supporters and opponents of Initiative 1000, the "death with dignity" measure. ...
Raising morale: The folks in Idaho are cheering for longtime Boise resident Jeff Messina, whom Barack Obama recently selected to be his campaign's chief of staff. ...
Raising a "s***load": Political blogger David Goldstein of Horse's Ass notes that the Building Industry Association of Washington (BIAW) is boosting Republican gubernatorial candidate Dino Rossi's bank account. ...
Raising eyebrows: Speaking of Obama, bloggers at The Seattle P-I are speculating whether former Secretary of State Colin Powell will cross party lines for his vote in November. ...
Raising the glass: Jones Soda Co. is releasing a new line of politically-themed beverages during the run-up to November. Products will include Obama's "Yes We Can Cola," Clinton's "Capitol Hillary Cola" and McCain's "Pure McCain Cola." According to the company's statement, they're ready for you to "chug down change and belch up choice." Yikes. ...