
Regulating auto dealerships: a strange laxity in our state

For whatever reason, this state appears to be far too trusting of auto dealerships to police themselves. A state legislator points out some of the problems and offers a few suggested solutions.

Regulating auto dealerships: a strange laxity in our state


Reuven Carlyle

For whatever reason, this state appears to be far too trusting of auto dealerships to police themselves. A state legislator points out some of the problems and offers a few suggested solutions.

There are at least two interesting aspects to the Rob McKenna auto  dealership-in kind donation story that rattled around the headlines recently.  The first is the normal “he took money” and “she took money” political  positioning from  both sides. You can draw your own tactical conclusions about this. The second and more useful dialogue, however, is about the  important public policy "systems" issue of the state of Washington’s consumer  protection oversight of auto dealerships.

Last year, my business partner walked into an auto dealership and purchased a  late model Mercedes Benz. When his title hadn’t arrived he learned that the  dealer had not paid the original title holder of the vehicle and the retailer had left the country with my partners’ money and that of  numerous other consumers. The Department of Licensing determined that title was  due the consumer but, alas, the wholesaler intervened with an aggressive lawsuit to recapture his own  lost money.

The story became a Kafka-esque assault upon common sense: The innocent  consumer is left without money or title but a pile of legal bills, the state  does absolutely nothing while the wholesaler files suit against the  out-of-country dealer despite possessing business insurance against just such  misdeeds.

The entire experience has educated me about the undercurrent between the  wholesale and retail auto subculture in Washington. I learned that the default  position needs to be strengthened substantially in the direction of protecting  the consumer and not shielding the wholesale and retail businesses from one  another at the consumers' expense. When the economy is strong, auto wholesalers  and retailers play around with titles and ownership and sales support easily. In  an era of reduced credit — our new reality — the house of cards comes crashing down  and the consumer seems to be left in the cold.

Well before the political story about McKenna broke, I had begun discovering that this particular  case proves our state provides weak consumer protection when a wholesale and  retail relationship sours. I had also started the process of planning, researching, and  crafting modernization legislation for the 2012 session.

The real issue raised by the recent coverage is not whether McKenna or  Gov. Gregoire or Reagan Dunn or Bob Ferguson (in effect anyone who is or  could eventually be Attorney General of the state of Washington) has received a  donation from the auto dealer’s association. In fact I received a $250 donation  in 2010 myself as have many other members of the Legislature. In 2009, my first  year in Olympia, we faced a modest bill to allow auto dealerships the  opportunity to charge an increased fee. Given that it didn’t seem to bring with  it formal opposition I voted for the bill. Had I known then what I know today, I  would have tacked on amendments to strengthen our consumer protection laws. (Another disclosure: I am an announced supporter of Bob Ferguson in the AG race.)

A core systems issue is whether the state provides strong consumer  protections in dealing with auto dealerships and whether "bad apples" are weeded  out through the regulatory process. The real point of contention is whether the level of  political activism exhibited by auto dealers (or any special interest for that  matter) materially changed the policies of our state to the detriment of the  consumer. Has the attorney general,  governor and the Legislature chosen to tread  lightly in this area due to the  strong financial and political  relationships with auto dealerships? (It goes without saying that there are good and bad dealers just as in  any industry and that the majority, I venture, are honest business people.)

The attorney general’s office receives 3.7 complaints per work day on average  on auto sale issues over the past five years, according to the AG’s office. That number does not include those made to the Better Business Bureau,  Department of Licensing, or apparently those with respect to a dealer going out  of business. That's more than 1,000 a year from the AG’s office alone.  About 3.6 percent deal with title issues such as failure to pay off a loan, a  businesses unwilling to forward the paperwork, etc. Meanwhile, the Department of Licensing  is down to a mere 10 auditors statewide due to budget cuts in a bad economy when  consumer complaints become more dire.

I struggle to understand why  general taxpayers should subsidize the critical oversight of an industry with  such clear "externalities" negatively impacting consumers. Clearly a modest  fee charged to the auto-dealerships (not on consumers or taxpayers, and not passed through to consumers) to fund sufficient auditor services is responsible fiscal policy  regardless of one’s party affiliation, so I hope to attract GOP  support for this idea.

At present, the AG’s auto dealership oversight role is more  important than ever. The state sees at least 450 auto dealerships go out of  business each year and they are replaced by 450 new dealerships among a total of  2,297 dealers.

Many of them are, obviously, simply the same people changing business  licenses and ownership. Many others are new to the  business. Regardless, in this market, most of them face credit challenges given  the severe credit market contraction for individuals and small businesses and  the incidents of disputes will increase.

Strangely, the state requires an auto dealership to hold a mere $30,000 bond  to be in business in Washington. That’s less than the value of one new vehicle.  My recollection is that California by contrast requires a $250,000 bond. Equally  troubling, Washington requires legal action to secure payment against the bond  rather than a consumer complaint action and mediated resolution. Thus, the  consumer needs a lawyer to challenge a bond even on a small or modest complaint.  Most, of course, can’t afford the time or money of such an intervention and the  auto dealer’s bond is left untouched.

Another problem with Washington’s regulation concerns seems to be the fact  that dealers are able to deposit a consumers’ deposit or full payment in their  normal operational bank account. There is no escrow such as occurs with a home purchase  and sale agreement, and the  interest accrues to the benefit of the dealer who is in no rush to pay off the  note.

One of the more serious regulatory problems concerns "curbstoning," a practice that  rightfully troubles the reputable auto dealerships as much as the state. This  means, in effect, the people who purchase vehicles never transfer the titles  into their name, thereby avoiding the sales tax and licensing requirements. Simply, it’s  unlicensed dealer activity. Presently in the state you can sell up to four  vehicles per year and not require a dealer’s license. A simple way around this  is not to transfer the titles into your name. Not surprisingly Craigslist has  made this opportunity to earn extra money very popular.

If you do transfer the titles into your name, it is based on a person and not  a household, so technically: A husband sells four cars per year, his wife sells  four cars per year, the 19-year-old son can sell four cars per year, the  daughter that is 20 can sell four cars per year, of course all on paper, so out  of this household, the unlicensed dealer could sell 16 vehicles a year in the  state of Washington without having a dealer’s license and still be perfectly  legal.

I don’t know where candidates Ferguson and Dunn stand on the regulation of  the auto dealers; nor do I know where Rob McKenna and former Attorney General Gregoire  stood before them. But I do know that it matters to real consumers struggling to  deal with the complexities of a loosely regulated industry.

Our state clearly needs to modernize and update its weak consumer-protection  laws relative to auto dealerships. For whatever reason, that hasn’t happened yet.

This article is adapted from a post in Rep. Carlyle's blog.

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