Clark Fredricksen's on vacation this week, and there's no way to replace his comprehensive scan of political news, but here are a few items that caught my eye:
Clark Fredricksen's on vacation this week, and there's no way to replace his comprehensive scan of political news, but here are a few items that caught my eye:
- The state budget forecast just got a whole lot worse. That $2.7 billion biennium shortfall for 2009-11 is now $3.2 billion, based on the latest projection of tax revenue. Audio: Spokane Spokesman-Review reporter Richard Roesler discusses.
Chris Gregoire is among several Democrats who could lose gubernatorial races, says a national columnist.
Results of a Stewart Elway poll: Pierce County Executive John Ladenburg is trailing Attorney General Rob McKenna by a wide margin; it's a virtual tie between Commissioner of Public Lands Doug Sutherland and Democratic challenger Peter Goldmark; state Superintendent of Public Instruction Terry Bergeson is trailing challenger Randy Dorn. But! There are many undecideds in all three races. Not unusual at this point in down-ticket campaigns.