Despite the near-record temperatures predicted for the weekend, officials from around the state are asking agencies to "freeze." Last week, Democratic Gov. Chris Gregoire ordered a hiring freeze for state employees in an attempt to ease Washington's mounting budget deficit. Yesterday, the Snohomish County Council ordered a hiring freeze for all of their county's agencies. Not to be outdone, Seattle Mayor Greg Nickels proposed a $5 million spending freeze for the City of Seattle yesterday. On a related note, Seattle's fleet of ice cream carts are expanding their service around the city, in a move experts say could result in widespread brain freezes. ...
Despite the near-record temperatures predicted for the weekend, officials from around the state are asking agencies to "freeze." Last week, Democratic Gov. Chris Gregoire ordered a hiring freeze for state employees in an attempt to ease Washington's mounting budget deficit. Yesterday, the Snohomish County Council ordered a hiring freeze for their agencies. Not to be outdone, Seattle Mayor Greg Nickels proposed a $5 million spending freeze for the City of Seattle yesterday. On a related note, Seattle's fleet of ice cream carts are expanding their service around the city, in a move experts say could result in widespread brain freezes. ...
Looking for change: Things are looking up for the campaigns of Republican presidential candidate John McCain and GOP gubernatorial candidate Dino Rossi in Washington state. Both men have made gains in the latest statewide polls. ...
Change candidate: University of Washington political communications professor David Domke has a story in today's edition of The Seattle Times saying the Obama campaign might actually benefit when race is the media's "topic du jour." ...
Chump change: According to a recent study, the state's farmworkers are living way below the federal poverty line. ...
Snow job cone: The editorial board at the Seattle Post-Intelligencer says recent calls to rescind the 20-cent plastic grocery bag fee aren't worth listening to. ...
Sticky fingers: The editorial board at the News Tribune says the Washington Committee for Ethical Judicial Campaigns should do a better job of policing campaign mailers from judicial candidates. ...
Sticky situation: U.S. Sen. Patty Murray, D-Wash., tells the editorial board at the Yakima Herald that immigration reform won't be easy, but it needs to happen. (Confidential to the Herald: The super-sized photo of Murray accompanying the story is a little much.) ...
Strictly vanilla: Jeff Mapes at the Oregonian reports U.S Sen. Gordon Smith, R-Ore., is "walking a careful line" on Social Security reform. ...
Melting: Despite the state's large budget shortfall, P-I columnist Joel Connelly says more money should be spent revamping facilities at State Parks. ...
Not melting: The state Supreme Court ruled yesterday that Renton activist Chris Clifford can continue in his effort to oust Port of Seattle Commissioner Pat Davis. ...
Melted: And finally, Larry Lange at the Seattle Post-Intelligencer reports a new federal rule enacted this year by the Bush administration will effectively stop cheap shuttle service from Seahawks' games. ...