
Sausage Links, Uncle Ted's excellent indictment edition

Seattle Post-Intelligencer columnist Joel Connelly sounds off on the latest bad apple ousted from the Department of Justice [], as well as Ted "series of tubes []" Stevens' federal indictment in a corruption scandal

Sausage Links, Uncle Ted's excellent indictment edition


Clark Fredricksen

Seattle Post-Intelligencer columnist Joel Connelly sounds off on the latest bad apple ousted from the Department of Justice, as well as Ted "series of tubes" Stevens' federal indictment in a corruption scandal. Seattle Times chief political reporter David Postman takes a look at what Uncle Ted's indictment means for his chances at re-election, while U.S. Sen. Gordon Smith, R-Ore., joins the parade of GOP members promising to rid themselves of Stevens' campaign donations. ...

Seattle Post-Intelligencer columnist Joel Connelly sounds off on the latest bad apple ousted from the Department of Justice, as well as Ted "series of tubes" Stevens' federal indictment in a corruption scandal. Seattle Times chief political reporter David Postman takes a look at what Uncle Ted's indictment means for his chances at re-election, while U.S. Sen. Gordon Smith, R-Ore., joins the parade of GOP members promising to rid themselves of Stevens' campaign donations. ...

May it please the court: The editorial board at the Tri-City Herald says the top-two primary should "come as a relief to the many independent voters who cringed every time they were forced to use the 'pick-a-party' format." ...

May I approach the bench? Smith, meanwhile, is also hammering his Democratic opponent, Jeff Merkley, for lobbying for legislative office furniture that would "cost more than two years' tuition at the University of Oregon.". ...

Please present the first witness: The Environmental Protection Agency is targeting Seattleites in a new sun-safety program, apparently because we're no good at protecting ourselves from the few months of sun we see each year. ...

Direct examination: Times columnist Lynne Varner says it's time for Planet Obama to focus on the challenges of the U.S. child-welfare system. ...

Cross examination: Times reporter Susan Gilmore reports how to we've already spent $1.1 billion, out of $2.8 billion for the entire project, on the Alaskan Way Viaduct and haven't even decided how to replace it. ...

Closing arguments: Seattle SuperSonics fans make one last stand against Oklahoma Thunder Bummer owner Clay Bennett. ...

Excellent: And finally, The Oregonian has incorporated a Stephen Colbert-ism — "truthiness" — into a headline about Oregon Democrats' questioning the truthfulness of state Republican congressional candidate Mike Erickson. ...

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