
Seattle's car tabs: Will residents get their money's worth?

The city knows it has a problem with deferred maintenance of streets and bridges. But the city (and we voters) keep approving new projects.

Seattle's car tabs: Will residents get their money's worth?


Kent Kammerer

The city knows it has a problem with deferred maintenance of streets and bridges. But the city (and we voters) keep approving new projects.

Seattle voters are about to decide whether to pass or reject the 10-year, $60-dollar auto license tab fee, something that aims in surprisingly small part at the large problem of deferred maintenance for city roads and bridges.

The city has for years kept a long list of deferred maintenance of our  existing infrastructure.  The city has estimated that there are 400  miles of streets that need repaving at a cost of $578 million.  Add  replacing decades old bridges, along with some utility work, and $1.5 billion  might not do the job.

Some might have expected that this new tab tax revenue, on the November ballot as Seattle Transportation Benefit District Proposition 1,  would be directed at this backlog of deferred maintenance. But, as happens often when funding measures are presented on a ballot,  the city prepares a teaser list of things the new tax money might pay  for.

In this case the plan, approved by the City Council and the mayor, spreads the money around with the idea that it  will please various voting consistencies.  Metro Transit riders will see investments for faster service.  Sidewalks will get a few blocks, and  there will be more money for new bicycle lanes and free bike parking.   And  yes, some left over to complete a few projects that were part of a  previous building projects list called “bridging the gap.” that ran  over budget.

The city claims they will spend $18 million of the tab tax to plan where  to put new streetcars, knowing streetcars cost 10 times more than  electric trolly buses. Why is spending millions more to install rails  rationalized as having more public appeal? Rails are also more  dangerous for bicyclists.

Proposition 1, however, does almost nothing to reverse our problems with aging infrastructure. The tragedy in this misguided proposal is that little if any of the  money will go for the most-needed deferred maintenance. Worse the  language of the proposal will give the city the option to change their  minds on how to spend the money. The city could redirect the money to  pay for any frill it wants.

If you were to vote yes to the 10-year tab tax, it would assume you have  total faith in how the city has spent your money in the past. Before  you put your mark in the box, there are questions that need answers. If we have billions in deferred maintenance then why hasn’t the city  been taking care of our city infrastructure as a part of routine management?  We  trusted, has the city delivered?

Almost everyone accepts the harsh  reality that everything wears out. The people you elect and those they  hire to take care of our city should know this very well. If the roof  leaks you fix it.  It is patently clear the city knows what’s worn out,  but has instead spent money on less critical projects. What is necessary is setting aside money each year for that purpose. It’s an approach that requires self-discipline both in the people we  elect and those of us who keep going along with all the new stuff we  might want but don’t need.

While our mayor, City Council, and city department heads are responsible  for maintaining our city, we the public share the obligation. When  the city asks us if we want a new stadium, streetcar, monorail, tunnel,  skatepark, trade center, playground, city hall, or waterfront park, we  tend to say, “That would be just great.”  As baby-boomers, many of us have been accustomed to  getting what we want and paying for it has merely been the act of  charging it.  We end up buying or paying for countless new things but  fail miserably to take care of what we already have.

We have spent all the revenue from the past on popular or glamorous  projects spending very little on planned replacement. Our elected  officials and civil servants shudder at the thought of spending a  million dollars to replace a leaking water main or sewer line, but our  city was eager to buy a new fleet of hybrid city cars long before the  older models reached the end of their service life. The reality was the  city wanted bragging rights to be the greenest of them all.

Responding to questions from Seattle City Council members about why  Seattle’s streets were in such poor condition, city Transportation Director Peter Hann testified that Mother Nature’s harsh winter  was what had caused roadways to break up. He also blamed global  warming. Hann did not mention that Seattle, unlike some of its  neighboring cities, does not routinely seal cracks in roadways that allow  water to seep under the paving. Nor did Hann explain to council members that in the past the much-touted pothole rangers typically  delivered a shovel full of asphalt into a hole and stomped it down  instead of drying the hole and using a mechanical compactor to create  repairs that last longer. (Finally, after years of faulty repair, someone  finally got through to them because they now dry the hole first and use a  mechanical compactor and seal the edges to create repairs that last  longer.  Meanwhile, miles of roadways were damaged by poor repair  protocols.)

Before we take major steps to increase near-permanent revenue with a tab tax, it would make better sense to reform the process our city uses to  establish priorities. Private business as well as most citizens make  the difficult choices in how to spend their money. Seattle planners and  officials use focus groups rather than data that directs money to the  most used investments and needed repairs.

Common sense would suggest the most-used bridges, roads, and civic  infrastructure get funding and repair first. That simply doesn’t  happen. The 200-plus planners for the Seattle’s Department of  Transportation apparently respond to the most active pressure group to  make those decisions. An example,  North 105 Street from Greenwood  Avenue to Northgate Way is one of the most heavily traveled and damaged East-West roadways in the city. Seattle’s DOT, however, decided to  rebuild Linden Avenue from 129th to 145th Street for $12 million.  This stretch will receive new bikeways, sidewalks, and widening. While  the Linden project will clearly update the street, 105th street has 90 percent  more usage and isn’t getting resurfaced yet.

Using focus-group logic, the city decided to spend heavily on replacing  street name signage. Sure, the old ones were harder to read, but old  signs didn’t endanger lives and easily could have been a very low  priority expenditure. Might there have been enough money for a warning  sign for a bicycle pathway that went down a flight of stairs but  wasn’t built because the money was spent?

Speaking of bicyclists  the Puget Sound Business Journal asked the mayor  how often the Cascade Bicycle Club representatives visit his office. The club very actively urged  the city to put Proposition 1 on the ballot and was involved in determining  where the money would be spent. It’s no surprise that Proposition 1 will  finance over 100 miles of new bike lanes and provide free parking for  more bicycles.

Opponents assert Proposition 1 is a regressive tax. Paul Allen pays $60 bucks  for his limo and the single-mom waitress who drives a 1983 Toyota pays  the same. Of more note is that the automobile owner is chosen as the  primary group to be taxed.  Since transportation is essential to  everyone in our economy, it only seems logical that our entire population  share in the cost of the transportation infrastructure.

Editor's note: This article has been edited since it first appeared.

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