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The Future of Sustainable Housing

10 Min

6. Tomorrows

50 MIN

Examine the ways we often see the future as a rigid and singular concept rather than the multiple possible futures before us, the crucial need to think much, much bigger about what could come next, and how we all have more personal agency than we realize.


5. Together

53 MIN

Humans are inherently social and throughout history our unique capacity for cooperation has set us apart. As we grow and evolve, the internal changes we enact have the potential to impact those around us, our broader communities and societies.


4. Human

53 MIN

Ari explores the human ability to increase empathy and compassion, what values we are instilling into artificial intelligence technologies, and the need to create both a better world and a better humanity for life to flourish on this planet.

Once Upon a Time

3. Once Upon a Time

53 MIN

How do the stories we tell shape the boundaries of our beliefs about what is possible? From the dawn of time, stories are how humans have made sense of the world. This episode emphasizes the fundamental role stories play in our lives, our inclination towards dystopian narratives, and the potential

Chaos & Complexity

2. Chaos & Complexity

53 MIN

Ari explores the historically transformational moment we are currently living in, why it causes so many of us to feel overwhelmed and afraid, and how it actually offers unprecedented possibilities for new and exciting futures we can create together.