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The Paternity

The Confession

The Confession

William's suicide attempt shakes Lifjord. The police won’t make a statement until the investigation is over. But instead of confessing once he is recovered, William denies everything and the town is once again torn between belief and doubt.

The Paternity

The Paternity

Aksel is convinced that William is lying, but DNA--and Mai Britt--confirm William’s story. Desperate, Aksel testifies that William is lying about the night Karine died, but the defense’s surprise witness leaves Aksel once again an outcast.

The Confession

The Confession

William's suicide attempt shakes Lifjord. The police won’t make a statement until the investigation is over. But instead of confessing once he is recovered, William denies everything and the town is once again torn between belief and doubt.

The Paternity

The Paternity

Aksel is convinced that William is lying, but DNA--and Mai Britt--confirm William’s story. Desperate, Aksel testifies that William is lying about the night Karine died, but the defense’s surprise witness leaves Aksel once again an outcast.