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From Sherlock Holmes to 50 Shades of Grey

Why Do We Love Zombies?

Why Do We Love Zombies?

Zombies are EVERYWHERE!! Wait, don't panic- we mean in pop culture, not outside your window. But why is that? Bad guys and monsters seem to go through phases: one decade there's a dozen movies about aliens, ten years later it's vampires. And right now,

Is Community a Postmodern Masterpiece?

Is Community a Postmodern Masterpiece?

Though the TV show Community has never achieved huge ratings, it has a passionate cult following, including us here at Idea Channel. The show plays with genre and narrative in such a creative way that it brings to mind the cultural and artistic theory of Postmodernism.

Are Holograms Nostalgia or a New Form of Art?

Are Holograms Nostalgia or a New Form of Art?

You might have heard about the debut of Hologram Tupac at the music festival Coachella earlier this year. But with Queen's recent announcement of a Hologram Freddie Mercury and TLC's plans for a Hologram Lisa Left Eye Lopes, it looks like Hologram stars are here to

Do Knock-Offs Prove the Value of a Brand?

Do Knock-Offs Prove the Value of a Brand?

We're willing to pay hundreds or thousands more for a specific brand name item, but sometimes it can be tempting to go the way of the knock-off for a fraction of the price. The counterfeit industry is huge and isn't going anywhere, and companies spend huge

Has the Microsoft Kinect revolutionized art?

Has the Microsoft Kinect revolutionized art?

If you haven't had a chance to play with Microsoft's Kinect, you're missing out on some great video games and some amazing art! The Kinect is a crazy awesome piece of XBox 360 hardware that maps your physical movements onto any screen. Artists of

There's No Such Thing as Online?!?

There's No Such Thing as Online?!?

From Facebook to bank accounts, you always have some sort of online presence, whether you're actively engaging in front of a screen or not. Yet this is still a word we use to describe our engagement with the Internet. So we have to ask, is this online/offline

Is the Web Browser Replacing the Art Gallery?

Is the Web Browser Replacing the Art Gallery?

For the past 200 years, the gallery has been the home of new and cutting-edge art, a place where the art community can come together and share new ideas. In the era of the internet, however, you can view remarkable art from the comfort of your laptop. Is the web

What Do Santa and Wrestling Have In Common?

What Do Santa and Wrestling Have In Common?

People love Santa. Christmas is the largest holiday in western culture, and Santa Claus is the centerpiece of that holiday (sorry baby Jesus). But even though our understanding of Santa changes as we mature, we still maintain and cultivate our culture's love of him. And to understand why

Is Developing Artificial Intelligence (AI) Ethical?

Is Developing Artificial Intelligence (AI) Ethical?

From R2-D2 to the Jetsons, our future robot companions promise to be helpful and handy! But many people have their concerns: will the development of artificial intelligence end up REPLACING humans in the work force, pushing already high unemployment through the roof?!?!

From Sherlock Holmes to 50 Shades of Grey

From Sherlock Holmes to 50 Shades of Grey

You've probably heard of the risque novel "50 Shades of Grey," now the best selling paperback of all time. But you may not know that it's actually fan fiction! It seems shocking that a fan fiction novel has become so popular, but 50 Shades

Will Kickstarter Replace Hollywood?

Will Kickstarter Replace Hollywood?

Although it's funding is nowhere NEAR the amount Hollywood invests in moviemaking each year, crowdfunding is a way better indicator of what the audience wants to see, the one area Hollywood has failed in time and time again. Will Kickstarter put an end to the Hollywood system?

Nicolas Cage, Taoism, and YOLO

Nicolas Cage, Taoism, and YOLO

Legendary actor Nicolas Cage is renowned for his reliably weird roles across many genres of modern film. Is he just a victim of a bad agent, or does he instead follow the philosophy of Taoism, or as its modern derivative is known - YOLO ("you only live once"

A Visit to Mr. Monfre's Class

A Visit to Mr. Monfre's Class

Every week, Mr. Monfre's class in Milwaukee, Wisconsin watches Idea Channel, has a great discussion and posts an awesome comment. We were lucky enough to surprise them with a visit to their classroom!!! So come watch as Mike meets the illustrious Mr. Monfre and hangs out with his

Is Homestuck the Ulysses of the Internet?

Is Homestuck the Ulysses of the Internet?

If you're unfamiliar, Homestuck is a webcomic created Andrew Hussie that is over 5000 PAGES so far! In in its own weird way, Homestuck is a lot like James Joyce's Ulysses, where only the strongest, most dedicated readers make it through to the end. Most people

Are Virtual Video Game Economies Becoming Real?

Are Virtual Video Game Economies Becoming Real?

The idea that a collection of pixels can be sold for actual money might be confusing to some, as they are neither true "objects" you can hold nor "ideas" that can be considered intellectual property. But despite the lack of tangibility, real world economies have formed

Can Dungeons & Dragons Make You Confident & Successful?

Can Dungeons & Dragons Make You Confident & Successful?

There are some deeply ingrained stereotypes about Dungeons & Dragons, and those stereotypes usually begin and end with people shouting "NERD!!!" But the reality of the D&D universe is a whole lot more complex. Rather than being an escape from reality, D&D is actually

Is CSS and Website Design a Fashion Statement?

Is CSS and Website Design a Fashion Statement?

Consciously or not, the first thing you notice when you visit a website is how the site LOOKS, which is controlled by the CSS Stylesheet. CSS is the fashion of the web- it makes sites pretty (or very very ugly). And as our lives migrate more and more onto the

Should "Happy Birthday" be Protected by Copyright?

Should "Happy Birthday" be Protected by Copyright?

Did you know the rights to "Happy Birthday" are still privately held today? Copyright was originally created for two reasons: to protect the original creators so they could benefit from their work AND have creative works enter the Public Domain. Unfortunately, the whole system has gotten out of

Do We Want the World to End?

Do We Want the World to End?

The so-called Mayan long count calendar predication of the apocalypse is based a fundamental MISUNDERSTANDING of Mayan calendars and society. It's so far off base that scientific and anthropological experts can dismiss it with laugh. Yet, if it's so fundamentally wrong, why do we keep hearing

Is Doctor Who a Religion?

Is Doctor Who a Religion?

Dr. Who is one of the longest running TV shows on the BBC, and it's got a huge fandom surrounding it, called Whovians. And while it might not seem like, Whovianism, might just be religion! Whovians, like other passionate fan cultures, create art & fan fiction and engage

The Retro Awesomeness of Adventure Time

The Retro Awesomeness of Adventure Time

Adventure Time is an animated kids show on the Cartoon Network that is super popular, not just with the kids, but with full grown adults too! Why would a bunch of serious adults, including Mike's Mom, watch Adventure Time? We think its because the show taps into our

How are Justin Bieber, Franz Liszt and Jerusalem Connected?

How are Justin Bieber, Franz Liszt and Jerusalem Connected?

At first glance, Pop Wunderkind Justin Bieber and revolutionary 19th Century pianist and composer Franz Liszt don't seem to have anything in common. And while they might not have any musical or biographical similarities, they both have had a powerful psychological effect on their fans. Fits of hysteria,

Is Futurama the Best Argument Against Transhumanism?

Is Futurama the Best Argument Against Transhumanism?

Transhumanism is a scientific philosophy that says technology will solve all our human biological constraints and that immortality is right around the corner (well not RIGHT around the corner, but WAYYY closer). They envision a world of endlessly euphoric robo-humans that represent the next step in evolution. And while this

Is the Universe a Computer?

Is the Universe a Computer?

The universe is made up of information, similar to a computer, and physics (you know, the basis of the universe) certainly is based on computational principles. But is it running some grand program? Will the answer be 42? Make sure you have your towel, and watch the episode!

Is a DOS Attack a Weapon?

Is a DOS Attack a Weapon?

Denial of Service (DOS) or Distributed Denial of Service (DDOS) attacks take down servers by distracting them with meaningless traffic until basically they can't take it any more. The way we talk about the result of a software program reflects the way we view "online", and

How will the Animated GIF affect the Presidential Election?

How will the Animated GIF affect the Presidential Election?

The animated GIF has had a long and fascinating history, but the GIF took a giant leap forward this year when it became part of the 2012 Presidential Election!!! This election season, GIFs of Obama, Romney, Biden and Ryan, populated not only Tumblr and Buzzfeed, but also media heavyweights like

What do MP3s and Magic Spells Have in Common?

What do MP3s and Magic Spells Have in Common?

Both spells and music were born from a freely available folk culture, but are now sold as commercial goods. There are thousands of artists (and witches!) trying to figure out how to make a living in an age where their products can be infinitely copied. And with commercialization, the morality

Is Facebook Changing Our Identity?

Is Facebook Changing Our Identity?

With 955,000,000 worldwide users, Facebook seems like just about everyone makes use of the social media giant to connect with friends, share photos, and update everyone they've ever met since grade school about their dinner plans. But what you may not realize is that Facebook'

Are MP3s & Vinyl Better than Live Music?

Are MP3s & Vinyl Better than Live Music?

If you've ever talked to a vinyl purist (or are one yourself) you know that people can be pretty passionate about what format is king when it comes to music. And based on how much people like to brag about what band they saw live and how many

Are Mashups the End of Music Genres?

Are Mashups the End of Music Genres?

Some of the best things to be found on the internet are music mashups! It's a strangely pleasing experience to listen to totally unrelated artists commingling on the same music track. Mashups are awesome because they break genre expectations, which makes us think: why have genres at all?

Is Piracy Helping Game of Thrones?

Is Piracy Helping Game of Thrones?

A huge amount of viewers of the HBO series Game of Thrones (not us of course, no no no) are downloading the show illegally. But despite being the most pirated show of 2012, the Game of Thrones DVDs are top sellers, breaking HBO's own sales records!! Could it

Are Olympic Competitors Geniuses?

Are Olympic Competitors Geniuses?

Everyone is obsessed with the Olympics right now, watching these geniuses push the boundaries of their field. Wait, did we say GENIUSES? Yes! We normally associate the word "genius" with intellectual accomplishments, but athletes are geniuses at pushing their bodies to new heights, making the impossibly difficult seem

Are You a Hipster?

Are You a Hipster?

We all hate hipsters, right? They seem so smug and arrogant, with their ray bans and scarves and ironic t-shirts. Borrowing from other subcultures, (Handlebar mustaches and flannel shirts), hipsters reappropriate these fashion elements as their own. But don't we all do that? Our own fashion came from

Are Memes and Internet Culture Creating a Singularity?

Are Memes and Internet Culture Creating a Singularity?

Here on the internet, we love us some memes. But where do they come from? Yes we know, they are user generated. But to an internet layman, they seem to just appear, in HUGE quantities, ready for cultural consumption. Are they a sign of a "cultural singularity"? It

Is Minecraft the Ultimate Educational Tool?

Is Minecraft the Ultimate Educational Tool?

Some experts have brought Minecraft into the classroom, allowing teachers to customize lessons and students to engage with concepts in new ways. And while educational games aren't new, Minecraft has some unique advantages that could usher in a new direction in education. In the future, students across the

Is Dubstep the New Musical Avant-Garde?

Is Dubstep the New Musical Avant-Garde?

While some people may hear noise, some hear amazing musical genius in the creativity of Dubstep. There is a long history of avant garde musicians and thinkers promoting the concept of noise and non-instrumental sounds as music, much to the horror of their audience. But over the past century, changes

Russian Meteorites and Surveillance Culture

Russian Meteorites and Surveillance Culture

A meteorite crashed into earth!!!! This wasn't the first time and it won't be the last, but it is the first time such an event was captured by SO MANY CAMERAS! But besides providing the world with some hilarious, frightening, and amazing footage, the dash cams

Is William Gibson A Modern Day Oracle?

Is William Gibson A Modern Day Oracle?

The science fiction writer William Gibson has not only written some fantastic scifi novels, but in the process predicted the internet, Miku Hatsune, reality TV, and a crazy amount of other technological and societal developments that have come into being. His impressive rate of accuracy seems almost mystical. Is he

Is Buying Call of Duty a Moral Choice?

Is Buying Call of Duty a Moral Choice?

If you play video games, you've shot a gun. And those guns are REALISTIC. So real that many are actually LICENSED by IRL arms dealers. Which means that when you buy a video game, you're also putting money in the pockets of those gun manufacturers. That&

Is Twitter the Newest Form of Literature?

Is Twitter the Newest Form of Literature?

Everyone is familiar with Twitter, the uber-popular micro-blogging site, which limits the user to 140 characters. The tweet is perfect for sharing your favorite links and updating the world about your life, but it might also be the newest literary form! This massively constrained communication, which has remarkable similarities to

Will Space Travel Save Us All?

Will Space Travel Save Us All?

Space, also known as The Final Frontier, has been in our collective dreams and fantasies for decades. Who WOULDN'T want to blast into space, experience zero gravity, or walk on the moon?! But with limited funding to NASA, the day that had been promised to us for years,

The Bronies Phenomenon

The Bronies Phenomenon

You might assume that the animated TV series "My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic" is for little girls, but Bronies - adult men who sincerely LOVE the show, and aren't afraid to admit it - would differ. Many people are baffled, even angered, by Brony culture.

Why Do We Love Zombies?

Why Do We Love Zombies?

Zombies are EVERYWHERE!! Wait, don't panic- we mean in pop culture, not outside your window. But why is that? Bad guys and monsters seem to go through phases: one decade there's a dozen movies about aliens, ten years later it's vampires. And right now,

Is Community a Postmodern Masterpiece?

Is Community a Postmodern Masterpiece?

Though the TV show Community has never achieved huge ratings, it has a passionate cult following, including us here at Idea Channel. The show plays with genre and narrative in such a creative way that it brings to mind the cultural and artistic theory of Postmodernism.

Are Holograms Nostalgia or a New Form of Art?

Are Holograms Nostalgia or a New Form of Art?

You might have heard about the debut of Hologram Tupac at the music festival Coachella earlier this year. But with Queen's recent announcement of a Hologram Freddie Mercury and TLC's plans for a Hologram Lisa Left Eye Lopes, it looks like Hologram stars are here to

Do Knock-Offs Prove the Value of a Brand?

Do Knock-Offs Prove the Value of a Brand?

We're willing to pay hundreds or thousands more for a specific brand name item, but sometimes it can be tempting to go the way of the knock-off for a fraction of the price. The counterfeit industry is huge and isn't going anywhere, and companies spend huge

Has the Microsoft Kinect revolutionized art?

Has the Microsoft Kinect revolutionized art?

If you haven't had a chance to play with Microsoft's Kinect, you're missing out on some great video games and some amazing art! The Kinect is a crazy awesome piece of XBox 360 hardware that maps your physical movements onto any screen. Artists of

There's No Such Thing as Online?!?

There's No Such Thing as Online?!?

From Facebook to bank accounts, you always have some sort of online presence, whether you're actively engaging in front of a screen or not. Yet this is still a word we use to describe our engagement with the Internet. So we have to ask, is this online/offline

Is the Web Browser Replacing the Art Gallery?

Is the Web Browser Replacing the Art Gallery?

For the past 200 years, the gallery has been the home of new and cutting-edge art, a place where the art community can come together and share new ideas. In the era of the internet, however, you can view remarkable art from the comfort of your laptop. Is the web

What Do Santa and Wrestling Have In Common?

What Do Santa and Wrestling Have In Common?

People love Santa. Christmas is the largest holiday in western culture, and Santa Claus is the centerpiece of that holiday (sorry baby Jesus). But even though our understanding of Santa changes as we mature, we still maintain and cultivate our culture's love of him. And to understand why

Is Developing Artificial Intelligence (AI) Ethical?

Is Developing Artificial Intelligence (AI) Ethical?

From R2-D2 to the Jetsons, our future robot companions promise to be helpful and handy! But many people have their concerns: will the development of artificial intelligence end up REPLACING humans in the work force, pushing already high unemployment through the roof?!?!

From Sherlock Holmes to 50 Shades of Grey

From Sherlock Holmes to 50 Shades of Grey

You've probably heard of the risque novel "50 Shades of Grey," now the best selling paperback of all time. But you may not know that it's actually fan fiction! It seems shocking that a fan fiction novel has become so popular, but 50 Shades

Will Kickstarter Replace Hollywood?

Will Kickstarter Replace Hollywood?

Although it's funding is nowhere NEAR the amount Hollywood invests in moviemaking each year, crowdfunding is a way better indicator of what the audience wants to see, the one area Hollywood has failed in time and time again. Will Kickstarter put an end to the Hollywood system?

Nicolas Cage, Taoism, and YOLO

Nicolas Cage, Taoism, and YOLO

Legendary actor Nicolas Cage is renowned for his reliably weird roles across many genres of modern film. Is he just a victim of a bad agent, or does he instead follow the philosophy of Taoism, or as its modern derivative is known - YOLO ("you only live once"

A Visit to Mr. Monfre's Class

A Visit to Mr. Monfre's Class

Every week, Mr. Monfre's class in Milwaukee, Wisconsin watches Idea Channel, has a great discussion and posts an awesome comment. We were lucky enough to surprise them with a visit to their classroom!!! So come watch as Mike meets the illustrious Mr. Monfre and hangs out with his

Is Homestuck the Ulysses of the Internet?

Is Homestuck the Ulysses of the Internet?

If you're unfamiliar, Homestuck is a webcomic created Andrew Hussie that is over 5000 PAGES so far! In in its own weird way, Homestuck is a lot like James Joyce's Ulysses, where only the strongest, most dedicated readers make it through to the end. Most people

Are Virtual Video Game Economies Becoming Real?

Are Virtual Video Game Economies Becoming Real?

The idea that a collection of pixels can be sold for actual money might be confusing to some, as they are neither true "objects" you can hold nor "ideas" that can be considered intellectual property. But despite the lack of tangibility, real world economies have formed

Can Dungeons & Dragons Make You Confident & Successful?

Can Dungeons & Dragons Make You Confident & Successful?

There are some deeply ingrained stereotypes about Dungeons & Dragons, and those stereotypes usually begin and end with people shouting "NERD!!!" But the reality of the D&D universe is a whole lot more complex. Rather than being an escape from reality, D&D is actually

Is CSS and Website Design a Fashion Statement?

Is CSS and Website Design a Fashion Statement?

Consciously or not, the first thing you notice when you visit a website is how the site LOOKS, which is controlled by the CSS Stylesheet. CSS is the fashion of the web- it makes sites pretty (or very very ugly). And as our lives migrate more and more onto the

Should "Happy Birthday" be Protected by Copyright?

Should "Happy Birthday" be Protected by Copyright?

Did you know the rights to "Happy Birthday" are still privately held today? Copyright was originally created for two reasons: to protect the original creators so they could benefit from their work AND have creative works enter the Public Domain. Unfortunately, the whole system has gotten out of

Do We Want the World to End?

Do We Want the World to End?

The so-called Mayan long count calendar predication of the apocalypse is based a fundamental MISUNDERSTANDING of Mayan calendars and society. It's so far off base that scientific and anthropological experts can dismiss it with laugh. Yet, if it's so fundamentally wrong, why do we keep hearing

Is Doctor Who a Religion?

Is Doctor Who a Religion?

Dr. Who is one of the longest running TV shows on the BBC, and it's got a huge fandom surrounding it, called Whovians. And while it might not seem like, Whovianism, might just be religion! Whovians, like other passionate fan cultures, create art & fan fiction and engage

The Retro Awesomeness of Adventure Time

The Retro Awesomeness of Adventure Time

Adventure Time is an animated kids show on the Cartoon Network that is super popular, not just with the kids, but with full grown adults too! Why would a bunch of serious adults, including Mike's Mom, watch Adventure Time? We think its because the show taps into our

How are Justin Bieber, Franz Liszt and Jerusalem Connected?

How are Justin Bieber, Franz Liszt and Jerusalem Connected?

At first glance, Pop Wunderkind Justin Bieber and revolutionary 19th Century pianist and composer Franz Liszt don't seem to have anything in common. And while they might not have any musical or biographical similarities, they both have had a powerful psychological effect on their fans. Fits of hysteria,

Is Futurama the Best Argument Against Transhumanism?

Is Futurama the Best Argument Against Transhumanism?

Transhumanism is a scientific philosophy that says technology will solve all our human biological constraints and that immortality is right around the corner (well not RIGHT around the corner, but WAYYY closer). They envision a world of endlessly euphoric robo-humans that represent the next step in evolution. And while this

Is the Universe a Computer?

Is the Universe a Computer?

The universe is made up of information, similar to a computer, and physics (you know, the basis of the universe) certainly is based on computational principles. But is it running some grand program? Will the answer be 42? Make sure you have your towel, and watch the episode!

Is a DOS Attack a Weapon?

Is a DOS Attack a Weapon?

Denial of Service (DOS) or Distributed Denial of Service (DDOS) attacks take down servers by distracting them with meaningless traffic until basically they can't take it any more. The way we talk about the result of a software program reflects the way we view "online", and

How will the Animated GIF affect the Presidential Election?

How will the Animated GIF affect the Presidential Election?

The animated GIF has had a long and fascinating history, but the GIF took a giant leap forward this year when it became part of the 2012 Presidential Election!!! This election season, GIFs of Obama, Romney, Biden and Ryan, populated not only Tumblr and Buzzfeed, but also media heavyweights like

What do MP3s and Magic Spells Have in Common?

What do MP3s and Magic Spells Have in Common?

Both spells and music were born from a freely available folk culture, but are now sold as commercial goods. There are thousands of artists (and witches!) trying to figure out how to make a living in an age where their products can be infinitely copied. And with commercialization, the morality

Is Facebook Changing Our Identity?

Is Facebook Changing Our Identity?

With 955,000,000 worldwide users, Facebook seems like just about everyone makes use of the social media giant to connect with friends, share photos, and update everyone they've ever met since grade school about their dinner plans. But what you may not realize is that Facebook'

Are MP3s & Vinyl Better than Live Music?

Are MP3s & Vinyl Better than Live Music?

If you've ever talked to a vinyl purist (or are one yourself) you know that people can be pretty passionate about what format is king when it comes to music. And based on how much people like to brag about what band they saw live and how many

Are Mashups the End of Music Genres?

Are Mashups the End of Music Genres?

Some of the best things to be found on the internet are music mashups! It's a strangely pleasing experience to listen to totally unrelated artists commingling on the same music track. Mashups are awesome because they break genre expectations, which makes us think: why have genres at all?

Is Piracy Helping Game of Thrones?

Is Piracy Helping Game of Thrones?

A huge amount of viewers of the HBO series Game of Thrones (not us of course, no no no) are downloading the show illegally. But despite being the most pirated show of 2012, the Game of Thrones DVDs are top sellers, breaking HBO's own sales records!! Could it

Are Olympic Competitors Geniuses?

Are Olympic Competitors Geniuses?

Everyone is obsessed with the Olympics right now, watching these geniuses push the boundaries of their field. Wait, did we say GENIUSES? Yes! We normally associate the word "genius" with intellectual accomplishments, but athletes are geniuses at pushing their bodies to new heights, making the impossibly difficult seem

Are You a Hipster?

Are You a Hipster?

We all hate hipsters, right? They seem so smug and arrogant, with their ray bans and scarves and ironic t-shirts. Borrowing from other subcultures, (Handlebar mustaches and flannel shirts), hipsters reappropriate these fashion elements as their own. But don't we all do that? Our own fashion came from

Are Memes and Internet Culture Creating a Singularity?

Are Memes and Internet Culture Creating a Singularity?

Here on the internet, we love us some memes. But where do they come from? Yes we know, they are user generated. But to an internet layman, they seem to just appear, in HUGE quantities, ready for cultural consumption. Are they a sign of a "cultural singularity"? It

Is Minecraft the Ultimate Educational Tool?

Is Minecraft the Ultimate Educational Tool?

Some experts have brought Minecraft into the classroom, allowing teachers to customize lessons and students to engage with concepts in new ways. And while educational games aren't new, Minecraft has some unique advantages that could usher in a new direction in education. In the future, students across the

Is Dubstep the New Musical Avant-Garde?

Is Dubstep the New Musical Avant-Garde?

While some people may hear noise, some hear amazing musical genius in the creativity of Dubstep. There is a long history of avant garde musicians and thinkers promoting the concept of noise and non-instrumental sounds as music, much to the horror of their audience. But over the past century, changes

Russian Meteorites and Surveillance Culture

Russian Meteorites and Surveillance Culture

A meteorite crashed into earth!!!! This wasn't the first time and it won't be the last, but it is the first time such an event was captured by SO MANY CAMERAS! But besides providing the world with some hilarious, frightening, and amazing footage, the dash cams

Is William Gibson A Modern Day Oracle?

Is William Gibson A Modern Day Oracle?

The science fiction writer William Gibson has not only written some fantastic scifi novels, but in the process predicted the internet, Miku Hatsune, reality TV, and a crazy amount of other technological and societal developments that have come into being. His impressive rate of accuracy seems almost mystical. Is he

Is Buying Call of Duty a Moral Choice?

Is Buying Call of Duty a Moral Choice?

If you play video games, you've shot a gun. And those guns are REALISTIC. So real that many are actually LICENSED by IRL arms dealers. Which means that when you buy a video game, you're also putting money in the pockets of those gun manufacturers. That&

Is Twitter the Newest Form of Literature?

Is Twitter the Newest Form of Literature?

Everyone is familiar with Twitter, the uber-popular micro-blogging site, which limits the user to 140 characters. The tweet is perfect for sharing your favorite links and updating the world about your life, but it might also be the newest literary form! This massively constrained communication, which has remarkable similarities to

Will Space Travel Save Us All?

Will Space Travel Save Us All?

Space, also known as The Final Frontier, has been in our collective dreams and fantasies for decades. Who WOULDN'T want to blast into space, experience zero gravity, or walk on the moon?! But with limited funding to NASA, the day that had been promised to us for years,

The Bronies Phenomenon

The Bronies Phenomenon

You might assume that the animated TV series "My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic" is for little girls, but Bronies - adult men who sincerely LOVE the show, and aren't afraid to admit it - would differ. Many people are baffled, even angered, by Brony culture.