
Starting gun for a marathon governor's race

Jay Inslee and Rob McKenna are strong enough candidates to be clearing out the field. But one Democrat could still confound the front-runners.

Starting gun for a marathon governor's race


John Carlson


Jay Inslee and Rob McKenna are strong enough candidates to be clearing out the field. But one Democrat could still confound the front-runners.

With Gov. Chris Gregoire out of the gubernatorial race (as expected), let’s review who’s in it, who isn’t (and why). And take a look at the one man who could step in and scramble the entire race.

Attorney General Rob  McKenna has superb political timing, and this election is no exception.  One illustration drives this point home (alas at my expense). When I  challenged incumbent Democrat Gary Locke back in 2000, a Right  Track/Wrong Track survey showed just 27 percent of the electorate thinking the  state was on “the wrong track,” reflecting the historic strength of the  state’s economy at that time. Twenty-seven percent was less than the Republican base vote. Foolishly, I paid the survey no mind.

Recently I saw a similar survey showing the obverse: about 27 percent of voters think we’re on the right track today. That's as good as it gets for a Republican challenger.  McKenna also has eight years of statewide name recognition without being  tarnished by an unpopular Democratic governor and state legislature. His major  drawback is the “R” next to his name in a state that hasn’t voted for a  Republican U.S. senator in 17 years, a Republican president in 27 years, or a  Republican governor in 31 years.

Money  for McKenna will not be a problem. Nor for Congressman Jay Inslee. Don’t be  surprised if this becomes a $45 or even $50 million  race,  counting money raised and spent by the candidates, the parties, and  especially the 527 “independent expenditure” organizations covering all  sides of the political spectrum. Talk about growth patterns! Between 2000 and 2008, the amounts raised and spent by just the candidates quadrupled.

Jay Inslee has been eying this race since scrambling back to Congress in ’98. Being a Democrat helps, but not like the 2008 Obama election. His  party dominates Olympia, and people are weary of its status quo. How  would Gov. Inslee be different? He must answer that question convincingly to win  this race.

Inslee announced just a few days ago, but a chilly review by an expected ally, columnist Joel Connelly, suggests a shaky start: “The rollout of Inslee’s candidacy came up short, and left the impression that it needed a lot more time in the oven.” This race will be under the lights for nearly a year and a half.

Inslee  also stumbled (I'm assuming his people know he stumbled) when he  suggested using the state pension fund to subsidize start-up companies. Venture capital is called “risk capital” for a reason. Raiding  the pension funds of retired state workers to assist new (and  ultimately, politically connected) companies promising no guaranteed  financial return is tantamount to malfeasance.

But Inslee’s overall theme is sound: Jobs, more than anything else, are what people care most about. How to create them, or keep them here, is a good first battle between him and McKenna.

The  other candidates who eyed the race, Senate leader Lisa Brown from Spokane and King  County Executive Dow Constantine, jumped on board for Inslee. Aaron Reardon is locked in a spirited battle for a third term as Snohomish County Executive. But one Democrat has stepped toward the spotlight who wasn’t there two months ago: State Auditor Brian Sonntag.

Sonntag would be a nightmare for Inslee in a primary and a headache for McKenna in a general. He is, simply put, a Democrat who thinks the government wastes too much money. He proves his point with a series of performance audits that have  properly embarrassed governments from the Seattle School District (for  its Chicago-style culture of political backscratching), to the state  Department of Transportation, which he noted did not include congestion  reduction as a department priority (one would think it would be its  reason for existing).

Sonntag,  genial, gentlemanly and always approachable, is immensely popular with  voters because he’s validating their belief that government is out of  touch, overly intrusive, and way too expensive. But this has also made him the least popular Democrat inside the Capitol's ramparts. Legislators  denied him the authority to do performance audits until a ballot  initiative gave it to him along with a revenue stream to pay for them  six years ago. Since then, the legislature has tried to choke off more audits by raiding his budget. The audits still come, but Sonntag’s authority is limited; he can conduct and release audits, but not enforce them.

Asked what he would do as governor, he gives a two-word answer: clean house. The “Olympia Crowd” that has grown like Ivy around the Capitol since the Booth Gardner era, would be replaced.

That  is not a contrast that would help sell Inslee, who is only  marginally less liberal than Jim McDermott, the last Democrat in  Washington to lose a governor’s race (in 1980). But if Sonntag beat Inslee, what would McKenna do? All  along he has sensibly assumed he’d be running against a liberal who was  heavily indebted to public and private labor unions, partisan Democrats,  and tax-and-spend liberals.

Sonntag is a clean break with special interest politics, and the interest-group liberalism that ties them all together. He would be the most transformative political figure in Washington since Dan Evans was elected governor 45 years ago.

Prominent  Democrats are talking down the likelihood of a Sonntag candidacy, and  believe they could bury him by heavily outspending him in a primary. Perhaps. But  the race between Sonntag and Inslee would be a campaign between two  Democratic parties — Pierce County (Sonntag’s party of the working class), versus King County (Inslee’s party of Big Government). Kaboom.

Is there any Republican out there who creates a similar contrast with McKenna? Nope. At least not anyone with the name recognition, compelling message, or access to money needed to mount a serious campaign. Most Republicans have heartily endorsed McKenna. Were  McKenna to stumble, Port Commissioner Bill Bryant would be standing by,  but the politically sophisticated Bryant knows there’s no room to  outflank McKenna and no financial base to support a viable campaign with  the AG in the race.

In politics, there are sprints and there are marathons. This may be the state's first campaign for the governor's mansion that requires a marathon runner's stamina and will power.