The Seattle City Council has come up with a killer app for evaluating the NBA proposal.
Chris Hansen’s proposal to build a new NBA arena in SoDo faces a new obstacle — diversity. Charging that the NBA does little to encourage diversity, the Seattle City Council has demanded any professional basketball team moving to Seattle file an affirmative action plan to promote and increase diversity within its workforce.
Councilperson Nick Licata, the resolution’s sponsor, stated that increased diversity would enhance both social justice and the performance of a Seattle NBA team.
“Diversity gives a competitive edge to any organization,” he stated. “Diversity coalesces different talents using different sets of skills to work towards a common goal. This ignites employee loyalty and increases productivity.
“With diversity many more solutions will arise as every individual contributes his unique cognitive, operating, and problem-solving skills. The enhanced communications encourage new attitudes and processes that profit the whole team.” Licata's remarks drew a standing ovation.
At a council hearing, the resolution was enthusiastically endorsed by representatives of the University Club, St. Mark's Episcopal Cathedral, Seattle Golf Club, Sunset Club, Seattle Tennis Club, and the Daughters of the American Revolution.
The resolution will also apply to any NHL hockey team and specificially prohibits discrimination against the toothful.