
Summer fashions for men who don't want to think too much

Our fashion maven is so helpful she practically buys the clothes for you. Pay particular attention to her tip about sandals, Northwest guys.

Summer fashions for men who don't want to think too much


Meredeth McMahon

Our fashion maven is so helpful she practically buys the clothes for you. Pay particular attention to her tip about sandals, Northwest guys.

Women can easily look pulled together and appropriate for summer occasions because we have the luxury of whimsical dresses and skirts for summer. What can men buy to get the same easy breezy polished style?    I can only assume that most guys in the Northwest already own casual shorts, sporty t-shirts, and sport sandals, so I won't focus my attention there. Here are a few warm weather items that may not be worn every day but are great to have for occasions such as nice barbecues, afternoon weddings, graduations, dinners out, and in some cases even work. Times where a jacket isn't necessary, but you don't want to look as if you just returned from hiking in the Cascades.

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