Proposition 1: the arguments against, deconstructed
It's fairly easy to propound better solutions than the roads-and-transit measure about to be voted on. But it's not easy to see how they would be enacted.
It's fairly easy to propound better solutions than the roads-and-transit measure about to be voted on. But it's not easy to see how they would be enacted.
A longtime Seattle political consultant offers Mayor-elect McGinn his "13 Golden Rules for a Smooth Transition."
In Washington, voters showed less anger than a renewed sense of realism.
The state has a progressive reputation but voters have repeatedly rejected an income tax. Their concerns about a "camel's nose" have to be addressed during the campaign.
Beyond the pettiness of the campaign just ending lies the potential emergence of a whole new mood in Seattle-area politics. It would start with a muting of the cultural wars that have bedeviled Seattle politics ever since 9/11. Call it the revenge of the center.