A puzzle in American politics: If yard signs are such a waste of time, how come people keep doing them?
Despite the protests of campaign experts, candidates and their supporters demand yard signs. It's our Norman Rockwell moment.
Despite the protests of campaign experts, candidates and their supporters demand yard signs. It's our Norman Rockwell moment.
One of the moderators of Saturday's presidential forum at the Yearly Kos 'netroots' convention in Chicago was a Seattle-based blogger who grew up in Idaho. She sat down with Crosscut for an interview shortly after being up onstage with seven Democratic presidential aspirants.
With the surprising defeat of Greg Nickels, a powerful political coalition of labor, greens, and developers is up for grabs. If it doesn't settle on one candidate, local politics could be scrambled.
Sen. Larry Craig deserves what he gets, but I'm alarmed by the behavior of other players in this scandal.
Island Girl: A new resident of Washington finds the prospect of Referendum 71's defeat so abhorrent that she's considering a logical pro-marriage response: splitting up.