
The Official Crosscut Voter's Guide

The most complete rundown of the 2007 election to be found anywhere, anytime, anyhow.

The Official Crosscut Voter's Guide


Steve Clifford

The most complete rundown of the 2007 election to be found anywhere, anytime, anyhow.Proposition 3: Legislative Priorities

Proposition 3 would establish the following legislative goals for the Seattle City Council for the next decade:

City Attorney's Explanation
The effect of this advisory measure, if approved: What do I know? Your are talking about the Seattle City Council, a legislative body that recently commissioned a poem about itself, that read, in part, "Each member, eyes forward, strokes to heal the vices while meetings ripple like drops across the waters." Proposition 3 is likely to get thrown out by the courts so I didn't waste much time on it.

Should this measure be enacted into law?
Yes [ ]  No [ ]  I'll get back to you [ ]

Statement For Proposition 3: It can't hurt.

Statement Against Proposition 3: It can't help.

Rebuttal of Statement Against: That's a stupid argument.

Rebuttal of Statement For: Stupid, my keister! You want stupid. Stupid is saying, "It can't hurt."  Stupid is you.

Seattle City Council Position 2

Robert Clark, Incumbent

Sarah Kelly, Bi-Polar Neighborhood Gender Activist

Seattle City Council Position 4

Janet Jones, Incumbent

Ralph Sterling, Neighborhood Pest

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