
We need to raise the civic IQ

We need to raise the civic IQ


Rob Dunlop

Several months ago, Crosscut and KCTS 9 merged, united in a common objective to inspire more informed and involved public conversation through great journalism.

Will you join us in that objective by making a gift today to support Crosscut?

Independent journalism has never been more important: While technology is improving our quality of life in so many ways, it is also challenging long-held cultural norms and driving significant change in how our communities develop.

To build a brighter future, we need to raise the civic IQ, and that is exactly what Crosscut’s thoughtful reporting does.

Your commitment to support Crosscut has never been more important. Will you join me in making a gift to Crosscut during their Spring Member Drive?

Donation CTA
Rob Dunlop

By Rob Dunlop

As President & CEO of KCTS 9, Rob leads the strategic, operational and business activities of one of the premier public media entities in the Pacific Northwest, serving communities throughout