A guide to instant-messaging lingo.
CUL8ER See you later. DYHAB Do you have a boyfriend? YYSSW Yeah Yeah Sure Sure Whatever. RUAARP Are you a member of AARP? YK-Moo? Why is your kitchen full of cows? L=O Life is like a wheel. L=O? Why is life like a wheel? L#O OK. Have it your way. Life isn't like a wheel. DWILMCSP Dude, where is last month's child support payment? TUTAFSLPD T'as une tête a faire sauter les plaques d'egouts!" (You've got a face that would blow off manhole covers.) :) Why are you smiling? You have no nose. IFYTS ... U If your truck sounds like your transmission is going out, your alternator may be the problem. Remove the drive belt them start it for a moment. If the noise goes away replace alternator with high quality rebuilt unit. AYQDHOIK Are you quoting David Hume or Immanuel Kant? 9 Parent watching. 8 Feds tapping wire. 99 Parent no longer watching. 88 Feds no longer tapping wire. 99â'ê¢Âª Parents singing Il core vi dono from Cosi Fan Tuti. Yuk! 88â'ê¢Âª Feds singing Quanto amore from L'elisir d'amore. Awesome! MUBHITDRWAP My uncle believes he is the deceased Russian writer Alexander Pushkin. RUHVD Are you a high value detainee? +â'ê¬-$ Trade deficit widening. Short the dollar and long the Euro! TDRWAPTHIMU The deceased Russian writer Alexander Pushkin thinks he is my uncle. GB43 Impulsively I invaded an Arab country and now I can't get out. Please advise. 8-/ Your nose is off center! WWBD What would Britney do? WWJDAB What would Jesus do about Britney? {-----}? Have you gained weight? P&P It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife. RU^// Are you up for sharing a shake with two straws at the soda shop? RU^ In that case, are you up for a few lines of cocaine? :-T If you turn you head sideways, you will note there is a large stalk of celery caught in your teeth. ::::---->>@ Aliens with eight eyes are attacking the suburbs of Atlanta. ???? Is it considered a hostage situation if someone with a split personality threatens to kill himself? ZZZZZ I'm in. And I'm in to win. Today I am announcing that I will form an exploratory committee to run for president. And I want you to join me not just for the campaign but for a conversation about the future of our country – about the bold but practical changes we need to overcome six years of Bush administration failures. I am going to take this conversation directly to the people of America, and I'm starting by inviting all of you to join me in a series of Web chats over the next few days.