
Why we are failing to teach every child to read

One flaw is being blinded by average reading scores, masking the students who are falling behind. Another is the regimented, stuffed curriculum, which crowds out time for teaching each child to read by the early elementary years. But reading is not just another subject; it's the fundamental and cruc

Why we are failing to teach every child to read


Dick Lilly

One flaw is being blinded by average reading scores, masking the students who are falling behind. Another is the regimented, stuffed curriculum, which crowds out time for teaching each child to read by the early elementary years. But reading is not just another subject; it's the fundamental and crucial skill.

In  a recent article I wrote that when educators set student progress  goals in terms of averages, particularly with regard to “closing the  achievement gap” and increasing reading test scores in the early  elementary grades, they blind themselves and the public to what really  needs to be done. It gets worse, for another reason I will discuss a few paragraphs below.

First, to review my earlier point. I  argued that administrators, district  superintendents, school boards, and other policy  makers quite regularly and nearly universally look at class and school  test score averages to show — when they go up — that the system is  improving, kids are doing better.  Well, yes, sorta.

But measuring school district and school success or  failure by looking at average test scores automatically means that some  kids and sometimes whole schools in low-income neighborhoods get left  behind. An average hides the fact that some kids can read at grade level  or above and some just cannot.  In this way, our K-12  education system, self-evaluating in terms of average student test  scores, utterly fails every child who cannot read at grade level by the  end of third grade (our universal target right now) or any other  grade.

Our  educators have failed those kids, lots of them, who are below average  and don’t read anywhere near grade level because, well, the average is  moving up, isn’t it?

To  avoid this statistical trap and to stop hiding this  failure from parents and the public, I proposed that educators should  adopt a different way of measuring.  They should deem grade-level reading by third grade an absolute standard and provide each  child sufficient instruction to reach that  plateau. This should be done at all costs, since teaching kids to read,  if you think about it, has to be the fundamental goal of our K-12  schools, particularly in the early elementary years, K-3. And in that  previous essay I suggested looking at the Kennewick School District between 1995 and 2005,  to see that even in heavily low-income school districts, 90-95 percent of  third graders can reach the grade-level reading target within existing  resources.

Wouldn’t  it be preposterous if our educators threw up their hands and said, “we  can’t do that, it would cost too much”? (Don’t hold your breath. It’s almost certain someone right here in Seattle will say that, though the chief impediment is not too little money.  It’s long-standing practice and state regulations determining how time is used in elementary school.)

By  the way, teachers see EACH child; they don’t think in averages. But in  their classrooms time just runs out — move on to the next subject, the  school day ends, whoops, summer vacation! — before the job is done.

In  any case, there is a second reason our schools can’t manage to get our  kids properly reading at grade level in the early elementary years, a  mindset possibly more responsible for the problem and more damaging even  than thinking in averages. It’s this: Educators at all levels, and this  time I include many teachers, don’t understand the difference between a  skill and knowledge.

A skill is something you learn to do with varying levels of proficiency depending on how long you work at it  or practice. Reading is a skill. Shooting free throws is a skill.  Proficiency usually requires long hours and in some cases, such as  reading in elementary schools, proficiency may take several years of  practice with increasingly difficult sentences and vocabulary.

Most  importantly, having certain skills will determine success or failure in  various endeavors. A child who is unable to read, won’t get much out of  school, won’t gain much knowledge. In fact, if a child can’t read it  doesn’t matter how good a teacher she’s got in front of her. Skills can  be essential. Reading is essential. Sometimes being able to swim is  essential. Shooting free throws is useful, but not essential the way  reading is.

Knowledge,  on the other hand is optional. And this is what educators don’t  understand, particularly those in thrall of the so-called “standards  movement.” Clearly, if I don’t have any knowledge of math and logic, I’d  be pretty unlikely to seek jobs as a software developer. But if I knew a  lot about something else, say biology, I might follow a course into  research or medicine. In either case, I’ve got real job possibilities  and chances for success in life.

But if I can’t read, there’s no way I  can know much about either of those things or anything else or even  learn much on the job in any field. Reading, then, is fundamental. It’s a  fundamental skill. And it’s a skill essential to obtaining any academic knowledge.

Given  that, here’s where educator’s confusion between skill and knowledge  prevents the K-12 system from helping each and every elementary school  child develop solid, grade-level reading skills. The system  automatically — through rules stating what has to be taught —  limits the time devoted to each subject. The system treats all  “subjects” as equal.  Reading, an essential skill, is granted little more importance than the other activities filling the elementary school day.

Granted, this has been changing. In the mid 1990s when I was an education reporter for The Seattle Times, K-3  teachers told me that they spent only a half hour (sometimes less)  each day on reading. That has risen in most schools and now in many  places an hour and sometimes more is devoted to reading.

However,  with the resistant mass of all the subjects stuffed into the elementary  curriculum, expanding the time devoted to reading, despite lip service  paid to its importance, has always proved difficult. Regardless of  individual student needs, the needs of kids not reading at grade  level in second or third grade, the curriculum marches on to units on  dinosaurs, rainforests, weather, butterflies — all good things for kids  to know and be able to talk about. But if they miss some of the  information for whatever reason, it doesn’t matter much, probably  doesn’t matter at all. That stuff is just knowledge, and you  can come by it anytime. If you can read.

In  contrast, the kids having trouble reading, who haven’t had enough  practice time to master something by the end of the reading lesson, who  haven’t had time to hard wire the connection of symbols with their  sounds, for example, are quickly handicapped. They can’t read as well.  They’re on a trajectory to fall behind, and fall behind in other  subjects as well, even though teachers these days make a huge effort to  work reading into every part of the elementary curriculum.

Indisputably,  reading is the skill that opens the doors of knowledge. Children who  read poorly or who can hardly read at all will fall steadily behind  their classmates, get less out of elementary school, little out of  middle school and likely drop out of high school.  There you have the “achievement gap” — and it lasts a lifetime.  Seventy  percent of high school dropouts were reading below grade level at the  end of third grade. Half our prison population reads at ninth grade  level, or below.

Our  K-12 school leaders can fix this, though. I’ll venture to say it’s  simple, even if implementation won’t be easy. All they have to do is  recognize that reading is such an essential skill that EACH child must  receive instruction sufficient to master it. Kennewick showed  that this means some kids will need two or three times the hour or so  usually allotted for reading instruction in the elementary school day. (See The 90% Reading Goal and Delivering on the Promise published by the National Children’s Reading Foundation in Kennewick.) Reform means restructuring elementary school so reading instruction takes precedence over everything else and each individual child gets the instruction and practice time s/he needs for mastery.

This is not measured using averages. It’s measured by counting the kids who are proficient readers at the end of third grade.  Nothing  short of nine out of 10 will do. No excuses based on the kids’  socio-economic disadvantages allowed. Those kids just need more time on  task and educators need to change the elementary curriculum to allow it,  to make reading instruction job one until each child is proficient at  grade level.

Some  will argue against this, claiming kids will be somehow worse  off for missing the dinosaur unit or some other beloved part of the  elementary curriculum. But kids who are not grade-level-proficient readers  by the end of third grade won’t get much but the pictures, anyway. And  they probably won’t get out of high school, either.

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Dick Lilly

By Dick Lilly

Dick Lilly is a former Seattle Times reporter who covered Seattle neighborhoods, City Hall and public schools during 14-years with the paper. From 1999 until his retirement in 2015, he worked for Seat