UPDATED: Three of the six high schools in the White House "Commencement Challenge" survived the finalist round of website voting. Eastern Washington's Bridgeport High is still in the running.
The top three of the six public schools that won the first round of a "Commencement Challenge" issued by the White House in February were chosen by website voters last month. Washington State's Bridgeport High, near Wenatchee, has made the final cut.
The other schools in the final round are High Tech High International in San Diego, Calif., and Booker T. Washington High School in Memphis, Tenn.
President Obama will choose the winner later this week. The chosen school will host Obama at its graduation ceremony in June, where he will deliver the commencement speech in honor of the graduating seniors and their school.
It's wonderful that so many people cared enough about kids and education in our state to make the effort to vote for Bridgeport High.