Washington caucuses: Obama's magic rubs off in Ballard
First of a series: Former cynics find each other in a living room where inspiration and perspiration meet. Their charge is to get out the vote, one doorbell at a time.
First of a series: Former cynics find each other in a living room where inspiration and perspiration meet. Their charge is to get out the vote, one doorbell at a time.
Services like Jubilee Women's Center, a transitional-housing and training nonprofit, are seeing increasing numbers of homeless single women. But because they tend to stay off the streets, it's not easy to find them and reach out.
In the absence of SWAG (stuff we all get) from official Obama campaign channels, a bounty of homemade political buttons has surfaced in Seattle. Certainly they lack the slick messaging of Clinton's campaign, or even Obama's advertorially smart O logo [http://www.barackobama.com/], but they character
The folks at Sound Transit really want you to take an online survey [http://future.soundtransit.org/] to help them do what voters said shouldn't be done via Proposition 1. To get you into proper survey-taking mood, the entry to the survey page states: "Studies show that by 2030, rush 'hour' could la