Within the Salish Sea, Samish divers research kelp forests
Western science and traditional knowledge help them monitor seaweed health, vital to their culture and local ecosystems.
Luna Reyna is Crosscut’s former Indigenous Affairs Reporter. Luna’s past coverage was at South Seattle Emerald, Prism Reports, Talk Poverty and more. Her work has identified, supported and promoted th
Western science and traditional knowledge help them monitor seaweed health, vital to their culture and local ecosystems.
White's own journey led her to organize searches for lost loved ones and events like the May 6 march.
HB 1324 hopes to remedy the harm of the racist 'superpredator' myth, which has lengthened the sentences for mostly Indigenous and Black youth.
After decades of federal assimilation policies, $15 million in American Rescue Plan funding is helping construct affordable housing on their reservation.
'We've been here since time immemorial, and we're making a statement that we're going to continue to be here.'